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photo album as Willow told Liberty the story of A’shai’s upbringing. She explained each photograph, allowing Liberty to share in A’shai’s rejuvenated past.

“You gave him such a good life,” Liberty commented.

“We tried to. He was and will always be our world,” Willow replied.

“Mine too,” Liberty answered as she looked Willow in the eye.

Willow was usually a jealous woman who liked to have the love of her son and husband to herself, but Liberty’s devotion to her son was admirable. They had spent more time apart than they had together, but fate had still brought them back to one another. Willow could tell from the starry gaze in Liberty’s eyes that she was genuine. She loves him, Willow thought. As much as she didn’t want to like Liberty she couldn’t help but see what A’shai had raved about when he was younger. Her spirit was so gentle, and although she was rough around the edges from years of being misused and abused, Willow could see through the stained glass to the beautiful soul that lay within Liberty.

“I didn’t mean for things to get so out of hand,” Liberty said. “I wasn’t trying to come into Shai’s life and ruin everything that he’s worked so hard for. He was lucky. He got out of the system. He broke free. But me? I’m trapped. I sold my soul to the devil a long time ago. I barely remember where I came from. The only time I remember love is when I think of Shai. I think that’s why he means so much to me. He’s always taken my pain away.”

Willow fell hard for Liberty and liked her in that very moment. The only thing that a mother could want for her son is for him to find a woman who sincerely loves him. A’shai had found that woman and although their circumstance was unconventional, Willow was a firm believer in happy endings. She was rooting for them, and she now fully understood why A’shai had chosen to remain loyal to Liberty despite Baron’s wishes.

“You know the two of you being together has started a war? Samad . . .”

Liberty cringed at the mere mention of his name.

“You’re afraid of him?” Willow noticed picking up on the way that Liberty’s body tensed up.

“He was going to kill me. He was crazy over me . . . over anything that he thought was his. He treated me like I was a possession,” Liberty said with emotion.

“No man should have that much power over you, Liberty . . . not even my son. The moment you start to feel like an object is the moment you leave out the door. You have to know your own self-worth. Coming from where you come from, I know that’s easier said than done . . . but you don’t belong to anyone anymore sweetheart. The past doesn’t define your future. Be the woman that GOD designed you to be. Trust me, with beauty like yours HE didn’t make you simply to decorate some man’s arm. You’re special . . . that’s why Samad wanted you for himself. He saw it . . . A’shai has always seen it. Now that I’ve met you, I can see it. Now all you have to do is open your eyes,” Willow schooled as she touched Liberty’s chin and gave her a smile. “You take good care of my son. He is putting himself at risk by being with you. I know him, and he wouldn’t do that for just anyone. You be good to him.”

“Always,” Liberty replied.

A’shai stood in the living room listening to their conversation. He had noticed his mother’s car as soon as he pulled up and had rushed into the house expecting to interrupt a confrontation between the two most important women in his life. He already knew how she had found him. Nico was the only person who knew where to find him. A’shai was pleasantly surprised to find his two ladies getting to know one another. He could tell from the tone of Willow’s voice that she was smitten with Liberty, and it pleased him to know that she supported him. He knew that Liberty had a checkered past and that by being with her, he was adopting her problems with Samad but it was all worth it to him. He would lay any man down in order to protect her. He had no problem rocking a nigga to sleep, and if Samad wanted to go night Copyright 2016 - 2024