Murderville Page 0,69

enough to calm his spirit. A’shai removed his shirt and then sat on the floor next to the couch that Liberty slept on. He took his pistol out and clicked it off safety, placing it in his lap for easy access. As he listened to the soothing rhythm of Liberty’s breathing, it relaxed him. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep feeling as if the void in his life had been filled simply by being in Liberty’s presence once again.

A’shai was awakened by the sound of the doorbell chiming and he shot up out of his sleep, grabbing his pistol instinctively. Liberty didn’t even budge, and he stood as he walked cautiously over to the front door.

“It’s Nico . . . open up it’s colder than a mu’fucka out here,” Nico said, his voice quivering from the winter hawk.

A’shai still looked through the peephole before opening the door and lowering his weapon. The two men embraced slightly, and Nico slid A’shai a duffel bag full of cash. A’shai didn’t feel the need to count it. Nico was fam and was getting major money. He had no reason to pull grimy on A’shai, so he took the duffel bag and put it in the front closet.

Nico moved further inside of the house, looking around until he spotted Liberty. Used to sleeping without clothing, she had stripped down to her bra and panties in the middle of the night, giving Nico a perfect view of her assets while she slept.

“Damn, that’s shorty?” Nico commented as he admired her body, but not really getting a good look at her face. He stared a little too long, irritating A’shai.

“Watch ya’ mouth, fam,” A’shai spat, seriously.

“No disrespect,” Nico replied. “You really ready to war over her? You know the position you putting us in?”

A’shai shook his head. “Nah . . . this is on me and only me. I don’t move sloppy. You know I wouldn’t have played it like this unless it was absolutely necessary. I couldn’t leave her there,” A’shai said.

Nico glanced over at Liberty once more. He understood what A’shai saw in her physically. Her body was undeniable, but her track record was marred. Any man with a $100 bill could have had her. She was damaged goods, and Nico couldn’t understand why A’shai was putting it all on the line for this particular woman. A’shai was usually so selective in who he kept time with. If a chick had been smashed by too many niggas she wouldn’t get the time of day with him. Liberty on the other hand had sex with random men on the regular, yet he dismissed that indiscretion.

“I don’t understand this, fam, but it’s not for me to understand. You let me know if you need anything. It’s nothing. You know how we do. There is a storm coming your way so I can’t stay, but don’t hesitate to call me, bro,” Nico stated sincerely. Not many niggas would have taken the hard drive without receiving anything in return, and A’shai appreciated Nico’s loyalty.

“You haven’t talked to me,” A’shai reminded as his cousin walked out of the house.

“No doubt,” Nico answered.

A’shai watched Nico pull away and then went to awaken Liberty. He stood over her watching her sleep for a few minutes before getting on his knees in front of her to stroke her hair.

“Wake up for me baby girl,” he whispered in her ear.

She opened her eyes but felt so weak that she closed them right back.

“Get up, ma. We’ve got to go to the store. You need clothes and we need food,” he whispered.

“I can’t, Shai. I’m so tired,” she moaned. She was extremely fatigued, and she attributed it to all of her years of living the fast life. Now that she was able to slow down everything was catching up to her.

A’shai could tell that there was no rousing her so he decided to let her rest, figuring that she probably needed it after all that she had been through. “I’m going to go get what we need then, Lib. Don’t open the door for anyone but me . . . nobody!”

“I won’t,” she mumbled.

Willow wiped the tear that fell from her eye as she looked at a picture of herself with A’shai. He was the only son she knew. From the moment he came to her aid when he was merely a boy, she had loved him. It didn’t matter that their bond wasn’t formed by blood . . . it Copyright 2016 - 2024