Murderville Page 0,65

“Drive,” A’shai called out to the driver. Liberty’s eyes widened in surprise when she noticed that the vehicle was loaded with weapons. It looked like an artillery closet with all of the different assault rifles and hand pistols.

Liberty was so afraid that she thought she would pee her pants. Being caught was not an option. The penalty would be too great if Samad knew of her insubordination.

“Relax,” A’shai said, sensing her apprehension.

A’shai gripped her knee and leaned in to kiss her cheek but was interrupted by the barrage of bullets that rained down on his car.

“Shai!” Liberty screamed as she covered her ears.

“Get down!” he shouted as he pushed her to the floor of the vehicle and grabbed one of the assault rifles. The windows in the limo shattered as Samad’s goons drove beside them, firing relentlessly. A’shai came up blazing as he pulled the trigger of his AK. “Drive this mu’fucka! Go!” he shouted in the midst of the all out gun battle. A’shai noticed that the car was zig zagging back and forth, making it hard for him to let off a clean shot and when he glanced at the driver he discovered why. His head was blown half way off and the car was going at full speed with no one to control it. “Hold on!” he said as he crouched over Liberty and waited for the impact as the car rammed through the showcase of a store front. Customers screamed and ran in every direction as A’shai and Liberty gathered their bearings. Slightly dazed by the impact the couple sat up as A’shai peered out of the back of the car. The goons were pulling to a stop in front of the store. “Let’s go!” A’shai said as he pulled Liberty from the car. He handed her the .9mm in his waistline and they made a run for the back door figuring if they got lost in the frenzy it was hard for them to be spotted. A’shai knew that one of Samad’s men would be waiting for them at the back exit so he came out shooting first. He had no time for questions and when he hit one of the goons dead in the forehead he felt no remorse. They ran back out to the busy city street and luck was on their side as A’shai raised his hand and stopped a cab.

Scratches covered them from the impact of the crash and A’shai could see the cabbie peering at them suspiciously. “There’s a big tip in it for you if you mind your business, fam,” A’shai stated. He looked out of the back window making sure that no one was following them before turning to check on Liberty. “You okay?” he asked.

She nodded her head as her shaky hand gripped A’shai’s gun. “Let me see that, ma,” he stated as he gently eased it out of her fingertips.

A’shai gave the cab driver directions to the private airstrip and when they saw the plane, both of them let out a sigh of relief. They were home free and once they were back in the city of Detroit, Liberty would be safe behind the protection of Baron’s organization.

A’shai held Liberty’s hand as they ran up the stairs of the jet. He went to greet his pilots and stopped when he saw the two white men slumped over the control panel with two bullet holes in the backs of their heads.

“Oh GOD, Shai . . .” she gasped as she covered her mouth. “He’s going to kill me. I shouldn’t have left!” She was beginning to panic, and A’shai grabbed her shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

“I’m going to get you out of here. Trust me, ma!” he stated aggressively, adrenaline pumping through his body.

She nodded her head and he disembarked the jet with her right behind him. When they got to the bottom of the steps they saw Samad’s Audi A8 pull up. Liberty froze like a deer in headlights as time—for her—stood still. A’shai pointed his gun at the car as Samad emerged from the vehicle.

“A’shai, my good friend. It seems we have the same tastes in women,” he commented as he got out and lit a cigar.

A’shai wasn’t looking for conversation. He was fully prepared to go out blazing on Liberty’s behalf and as he gave Samad the screw face he pointed his gun unwaveringly. A’shai didn’t hesitate. He fired, spraying bullets everywhere and killing the bodyguards that had stepped out of the Copyright 2016 - 2024