Murderville Page 0,54

what type of man Samad really was. She turned around and retreated to their bedroom as her tears began to flow. When he joined her in the bed, her skin crawled. When he touched her, she cringed in disgust. She felt like an abused child, helpless and defenseless. She shut her eyes tightly as he began to kiss her. He was so delicate in the way that he handled her that her growing fear towards him almost seemed unwarranted. She was his obsession, and she could see the signs of his fixation with her. He was no ordinary man. His attraction to her was no longer flattering, he wanted her too much. Even the smell of him was starting to make her sick. He wants to control me, but there is one thing that I won’t ever let him control. I’ll never give him the child he wants. I’m going to make sure of it, she thought bitterly as he entered her. He wore no protection and Liberty swore to herself that it was the last time she would ever allow him inside of her without taking precautions. She just had to think of a way to do it undetected.

Liberty lay in bed moaning in pain as chills plagued her body. She felt sick to her stomach and as she inhaled deeply she closed her eyes in an attempt to relieve her discomfort. Samad walked into the room and went to her bedside.

“You’ve been in bed all day. Is everything okay?” he asked.

“I’m hot . . . everything’s blurry. I don’t feel good,” she whispered as she rolled on her back in agony.

He noticed that the color had drained from her face. She looked pale and he felt her clammy skin. A light sheen of sweat glistened on her forehead.

“You need a doctor,” he concluded. “I’ll send someone in to help you dress. The driver will be waiting for you out front.”

He reached down and touched her stomach. “This could be the day. Maybe you are carrying precious cargo. You could be pregnant with my child,” he said. He bent over her and kissed her head before walking out of the room.

As soon as he was gone, Liberty sat up in bed and kicked the covers off herself as she rushed to dress. She threw on one of her burqas, not even caring at this point what she was putting on. She just wanted to get out of the house and from underneath Samad’s thumb. She was sick alright, sick of him and his rules . . . sick of his lifestyle . . . sick and tired of being controlled. She hurried and dressed then weakly walked down the stairs where Samad was waiting for her.

“I would come with you but I have an important conference call,” he said. “Do you mind going alone?”

Samad wasn’t the only one who had eyes . . . she had been watching him as well and had learned his routine. Liberty already knew about the conference call. In fact, it was the exact reason that she had gotten ‘sick’ on that day. She was counting on him not being able to tag along.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I probably have a virus or something,” she said.

“You call me if it’s something more serious or if there is something to celebrate,” he instructed.

“Of course,” she replied.

As she walked out of the house she could feel his eyes following her. They burned a hole through her back but she never turned around. Instead she got into the black Cadillac Escalade and melted into the backseat as the driver pulled out of the gates. When Liberty was out of Samad’s view she turned around and sighed in relief. She felt as if she had escaped from prison. Everything in her wanted to run . . . to shake the driver and leave for good, but she had nowhere to go. No friends . . . no family . . . no plan. She was stuck, but as the city streets passed her by she enjoyed the time away from Samad, no matter how short lived.

Liberty walked into the doctor’s office where she waited nervously. Samad’s money was too long to keep secrets. She knew that the doctor she was about to visit was on his payroll but this was her only hope. Liberty desperately needed the doctor’s help and hoped to appeal to Dr. Kapoor woman-to-woman. Her foot bounced off the ground as her Copyright 2016 - 2024