Murderville Page 0,35

surprised at Liberty’s ability to pleasure a woman and could only imagine the skills she had acquired for sexing a man.

There was no way that she could let Liberty slip through the cracks. She needed her as an addition to the brothel. It was a money game and with a working girl like Liberty, Abia knew that she couldn’t lose.

Liberty was flying high as a kite and her soul was content as the heroin took her to a temporary sanctuary of euphoria. Her neck was on a swivel as she looked out of the limousine’s windows at the multi-million dollar homes that were nestled in the hills of the city. Beverly Hills seemed like light years away from where she had just come. The manicured lawns, privacy fences, and opulent mini-mansions were breath taking.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“Home,” Abia replied simply as she placed oversized Gucci glasses on her face.


WHEN THE CAR PULLED UP TO THE mansion Liberty was in a state of disbelief. When she had thought of working a brothel, she had pictured something completely different. This was luxury at its finest. She immediately felt out of place in the sweat suit she was wearing. She looked down at her threads.

“Don’t worry, Liberty. No one is here to judge you. These girls came from the exact same place that you did. They know what it’s like. Let’s just go inside and freshen up before I show you around,” Abia stated. The driver opened the door for them, and Abia exited the vehicle. Liberty hesitantly followed. She felt like she had just been sent to Emerald City. She may as well have been on another planet—that’s how foreign the opulence was. She pulled nervously at her clothes as she followed Abia inside.

“There are twenty girls that live at the mansion. Ten are veterans and ten are new girls like you,” Abia explained while giving Liberty a tour of the estate. “We understand the importance of personal space and privacy here so each of you has your very own master suite.” Abia opened two French doors and spread her arms wide to show Liberty her room. She gasped at the beautiful décor. “This is your room if you want it,” Abia continued as she spun around, showing off the lovely space. Liberty couldn’t wait to soak in the deep-jetted bathtub or sit at the vanity and brush her hair. Although it seemed trivial, those were things that she had never done . . . to be a true woman, in control of her own destiny. She had no idea what that felt like. Liberty was speechless at how things had changed in the blink of an eye.

“There has to be a catch,” Liberty stated.

“No catch, Liberty. This is the life. We don’t deal with bullshit johns that make you feel worthless. Our client list consists of politicians, stockbrokers, judges, athletes, oil tycoons . . . the elite of our society. Many of our ladies don’t stay in the business long. Many have been turned into the wives of the men that frequent here,” Abia stated.

“What’s the split?” Liberty asked as she weighed the pros and cons of the situation. Part of her wanted to leave and never look back, but there was something so intriguing about Abia’s offer that Liberty could not refuse her.

“60/40,” Abia replied frankly. “But all of your other needs are taken care of . . . you get to live in this fabulous home rent free. You get to drive foreign cars and rock designer clothes. You get to live the life that most people only dream of.”

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation as another girl entered the room.

“The glam squad is heeerre,” the girl announced excitedly as she clapped her hands together.

Abia smiled knowing that her team of professional stylists was right on time.

“We’ll be down in a minute,” Abia told the girl. She turned back to Liberty. “There are clothes and toiletries in the walk-in closet. You should be able to find something that can fit you. If you decide to stay you’ll be given a stipend each month to update your wardrobe to your tastes. You get yourself together while I go freshen up. I’ll meet you downstairs in a few and then I can introduce you to everyone.”

Liberty nodded as Abia left her to soak it all in. Liberty immediately entered the adjoining bathroom and ran herself a bath. She hadn’t been allowed to ever relax and unwind. Bathing Copyright 2016 - 2024