Murderville Page 0,25

to Bonzi.

“Let me pour you a shot of my finest cognac, before you leave. I insist,” Baron said knowing that Bonzi was a fan of good aged cognac. Baron threw his hand in the air as he motioned to his butler who was standing by the guest house.

“Winston, please bring me the special bottle that I have in the china cabinet,” Baron yelled. Just as quickly as he said it, the butler disappeared into the house to retrieve the drink. A’shai was still boiling as he rubbed the side of his face. Baron patted his thigh under the table, signaling him to calm down. Baron unleashed his perfect smile at his son and then focused back on Bonzi who couldn’t believe that Baron had refused his offer. A man of Bonzi’s stature rarely received ‘no’ for an answer.

“You’re going to learn, Baron. You have to change with the times. You have run the black market in Detroit for far too long. It’s time for change. It’s time for a new era,” Bonzi said, already thinking about how he and his goons would move in on Baron’s territory.

“I agree. It is time for a change. That’s why my son is going to take over for me,” Baron said as he patted A’shai’s back and smiled. A’shai was still looking at Bonzi. Just give me the word, I’ll put two holes in his head, he thought as he sat there tight-lipped. He hated to be disrespected and by Bonzi disrespecting Baron, A’shai felt it also. He couldn’t believe that Baron was backing down and letting Bonzi’s threats slide. At that moment, the butler came with the bottle of cognac on a sterling silver platter.

“Thanks Winston,” Baron said as he grabbed the cognac and poured Bonzi a glass.

“Well, gentlemen, I think that’s my cue. I will see you again,” Bonzi said as he stood up and downed the cognac. Bonzi’s bodyguard stood about twenty feet away and moved on request as Bonzi motioned to him, indicating that it was time to leave.

“I’m sorry it had to go down like this,” Baron said as he stood up and buttoned up his Armani blazer. “Excuse us. Winston will see you out.” Baron extended his hand and headed towards the house. A’shai followed suit and slid his hands in his pants as he walked alongside Baron.

“Pops, why did you let him talk to you like that? I was ready to body that mu’fucka,” A’shai said as he expressed his anger.

Baron threw his arm around his son and stopped walking. “Look son, you have a lot to learn. Please believe I wanted to put a hole in his head right then and there. However, would that be smart? His bodyguard was about ten feet behind us . . . strapped. Plus, we’re at our home. Your mother is in the house. Let me drop you some knowledge, Shai: bad boys move in silence,” Baron said as he gave his son his infamous smile. “Now take a look over there.” Baron looked back towards the pool where Bonzi was on the ground going into convulsions. Bonzi’s bodyguard dropped to his knees and tried to grasp what was going on. Foam began to spill out of Bonzi’s mouth as he shook violently. A’shai couldn’t believe his eyes. He watched as Winston smoothly walked over while pulling a gun with a silencer attached to the tip. Winston walked behind the kneeling bodyguard and swiftly dropped two bullets in the back of the bodyguard’s head.

“What Bonzi just drank is a special brew called Black Tea, a creole tea that can kill you slowly if sipped. In Bonzi’s case, he drank enough to kill an army. I wanted him to suffer for talking to me like that. Like I said, bad boys move in silence,” Baron repeated as he patted A’shai’s back and turned him around towards the house. “Now let’s go grab some lunch,” he said smoothly. At that moment, A’shai realized that Baron didn’t concede to Bonzi. He just outsmarted him. Baron handled the situation like a true gangster and he had just taught A’shai a lesson in the streets. That’s why he admired Baron; he handled his street affairs just like he would a legit business deal: professional and with class. As they approached the door Baron added, “Guess I’m going to call up my old friend, Samad. Looks like we need a new coke connect.”

* * *

A’shai tossed his car keys on top of the counter and began Copyright 2016 - 2024