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Tijuana. They always came back to Tijuana on their anniversary to celebrate the day that he met her and purchased her freedom from El Garza. It may have seemed like an odd tradition, but Willow actually found peace by revisiting the place that she had been rescued from. She never wanted to forget where she had come from. It was therapeutic for her in a way. Each year she left a little bit of her painful past in Tijuana instead of allowing it to weigh down her heart. Baron was one of the most successful businessmen and drug kingpins in the Midwest, and El Garza valued their working relationship. Working for a man who trafficked humans initially turned him off, especially after rescuing Willow from his clutches, but he used his position of power to his advantage. Willow urged him to get the money and to continue to profit off El Garza, but she always made sure to give back. She opened a safe center in Tijuana for the women and children who were able to escape the modern day slave system . . . all with money that El Garza helped her husband make. So instead of Tijuana being a bad place with bad memories . . . to her it was a place that needed her presence and one that reminded her to cherish her freedom. Willow knew that A’shai was in the same boat she had been in years ago. Baron also picked up on it.

“Listen, do you work for the Garza family? You can tell me,” Baron said as he stood up and walked around the table to A’shai. A’shai nodded his head yes.

“He is an old friend of mine. We should go have a talk with him,” Baron said as he placed his hand on A’shai’s shoulder. Baron was actually in town to discuss business with the Garza family and negotiate better cocaine prices. He had a great business relationship with the family and was sure that he could work out something.

They left the restaurant and headed over to the Garza warehouse. A’shai told them the truth about how he got to Tijuana, and it nearly brought both Willow and Baron to tears. Baron and Willow decided at that point that A’shai would return to the States with them. They had no children of their own, and it seemed like fate brought them to A’shai. Willow, because of earlier sexual abuse, was unable to have kids, so she was open to taking in A’shai. The fact that A’shai was from her homeland made bringing him home with them even more special to her. A’shai connected Willow to her roots, and Baron understood that. When he looked in A’shai’s eyes he saw the eye of the tiger. They both fell in love with the young boy in that brief meeting, and the rest was history. A’shai left on Baron’s private jet back to Detroit, Michigan with them that night. He had been one of the lucky ones. He had found a way out, however, Liberty’s fate wouldn’t have the same storybook ending.

* * *

The clanging of chains being unlocked awoke Liberty from her restless sleep as two of the workers entered her room and closed the door behind them.

“Be the lookout. Once I’m done you can take your turn,” one of the men said as a slight bulge appeared inside his pants. Liberty scurried to the corner of the room and cowered as the man removed his gun holster and lay it gently near the door. “I’m going to make a woman out of you,” the man said as he grabbed Liberty roughly and flung her fragile body onto the steel frame that served as a bed.

“No!” she shouted, seeing the same ill intent in this man’s eyes as she had seen in Ezekiel’s. Her feet went flying in the air and her fingers clawed at his face as he climbed atop of her, manhandling her into submission. She had no strength, but she came out like a lioness cub to protect herself. The scent of the man as he weighed her down with his body made her stomach turn and as his hands roughly parted her thighs, he forced his tongue into her mouth. Liberty bit down as hard as she could, drawing blood.

“Agh!” the man screamed as he brought his hand to his mouth in disbelief. “You bitch!” he screamed hysterically. The blow that followed made Liberty’s neck snap so violently to the side Copyright 2016 - 2024