Murderville Page 0,21

up with him and grabbed him by the back of his collar. The other boys emerged from behind the dumpster.

“Well, hello there, pretty gal,” one Haitian field worker said as he circled the lady.

“I just want my things back,” she said as she released her grip on A’shai. The Haitian boy began to fondle the woman, grabbing her butt and laughing as the other boys began to circle her also. A’shai stepped back unsure of what was going on. He just wanted her belongings, nothing more nothing less.

“What you want to give me for de’ purse?” the Haitian boy asked as he looked at her with lustful eyes. He was the leader so the other boys followed suit and began to touch the lady inappropriately. She cringed and closed her blouse that showed a small portion of her cleavage.

“You can have the purse. I just want to leave,” the woman said, backing down as she tried to exit the alley. The Haitian boy jumped in her path, stopping her.

“Why you rushing off? Let’s have some real fun,” he said as he grabbed his crotch and laughed sinisterly.

“Yo, what the fuck is going on? Let her go,” A’shai said as he realized their intentions. He didn’t want to sexually assault the woman in any form or fashion.

“Stop being a pussy, Shai,” another boy said as he stepped forward.

“Let’s just take the purse and go, man,” A’shai pleaded. The other boys had already planned what they were going to do to the American beauty, and they weren’t letting A’shai get in the way. Two of the boys grabbed A’shai and held him back while the other two began to rip off the woman’s clothes. “Let her go!!” A’shai screamed as he tried to shake loose from their grasp. They were much too strong for A’shai’s small frame. They managed to rip the woman’s shirt completely off exposing her breasts and they muffled both her and A’shai’s mouths as they prepared to rape her. The woman looked at A’shai, and both of them had tears in their eyes as they knew what heinous act was about to happen. There was a brief moment of silence just before the big boom. The sound of a gun being blasted echoed through the alleyway and blood splattered against the brick wall along with the young Haitian boy’s brain. A tall slender black man stood holding the gun with a cigar hanging from his mouth. He was dark, well-built, and sported a $3,000 suit. Everyone jumped at the sound of the blast. The man was Baron Montgomery, the victim’s husband and one of the biggest drug lords in the Midwestern states. He quickly grabbed the other boy that was abusing his wife and flung him like a rag doll against the building. Pure rage was written all over Baron’s face as he caught the hoodlums trying to violate his wife. The other kids scrambled to get away but Baron let off another round into the air. “If anybody moves, I’m blowing their fucking heads off! Everybody get against the fucking wall,” he demanded as his eyes were bloodshot red as anger overcame him. He knelt down and helped up his wife.

“Are you okay, Willow?” he asked as he took off his jacket and covered her up. She shook her head yes as she wiped her tears away. “I want you to see something baby,” he whispered as he ran his hand through her hair and then gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Line up against the wall,” Baron ordered as he turned his attention to the remaining three boys, including A’shai. He walked over to them and took a puff off his cigar. He then dropped it to the ground and stepped on it. “Do you know who the fuck I am?” he asked one of the young boys as he stood in front of him. Before the boy could answer, Baron pointed the gun to his head and squeezed the trigger, rocking him to sleep forever. His blood and brains splattered against the wall as his body fell limp and he eventually collapsed face down. A’shai and the last boy were petrified as they began to plead but Baron didn’t care. He put the gun to A’shai’s head and told him. “If you believe in a GOD, you better pray to him right now. Say your peace,” he said as he tightened his grip on the gun.

“Baron, wait! He tried to help me. It was Copyright 2016 - 2024