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man and his childhood would be over. Just as A’shai found his nerve, his heart dropped in sympathy as he saw the dark stain spread through the fabric of the man’s pants. He had shamefully pissed on himself. A’shai was just as afraid as the man he was ordered to kill and his shaky aim gave him away. A’shai urinated too as his eyes grew big as golf balls and his breathing became heavier.

“Shoot!” the man yelled at the top of his lungs. A’shai let out a roar while pulling the trigger and closing his eyes, sending a bullet right through the man’s chest. A dark red circle appeared on the man’s shirt and spread as he hit the ground and his blood seeped out into the dirt. The recoil from the blast sent A’shai flying onto his back, sweeping him clean off his feet. A’shai’s hands shook violently as he took in what he had done. He looked over at the man that he had just shot and noticed that his chest was rapidly moving up and down, signaling that he was still alive.

“Look at you . . . pissed your damn pants,” the older man said mockingly as he shook his head out of disappointment. He had hoped that A’shai was ready, but from his hesitation it was obvious that he was still a child. “You didn’t even finish!” he added as he stepped over the wounded victim. He then reached into his waist and pulled out a revolver. He put two bullets in his head, rocking him to sleep forever. A’shai flinched at the sound of both shots. He knew that he was expected to be just as callous as his mentor but A’shai couldn’t conform to the ways of bad men. He didn’t have it in him to kill recklessly as the other rebels around him did. A’shai looked into the eyes of the ruthless killer. Ezekiel was the head of the Rebellion, a radical group of hoodlums who terrorized villages and took a violent and lethal stance against their government, but also against humanity. The tyranny that they caused wreaked havoc and spread hysteria throughout many areas of West Africa beginning in Sierra Leone. The mob of men went from town to town killing the men, raping the women, and recruiting the children to work the diamond mines. The young girls were usually kept for sex slaves or servants.

Aside from being the leader of the violent clan, Ezekiel was also A’shai’s father and a strong disciplinarian. “Now get up boy!” Ezekiel yelled as he snatched his son by the arm and yanked him to his feet. “Look!” Ezekiel grabbed A’shai’s chin and made him look at the dead man beneath them. Tears streamed down A’shai’s face as he looked at the corpse. Ezekiel struck A’shai across the face, delivering a hard slap. A’shai’s neck felt as if it would break as his head went flying to the right. Ezekiel knew nothing about how to be affectionate towards his child, and he thought he was showing tough love. He gripped A’shai’s chin tightly . . . painfully once more.

“Look at him, son! No tears. Rebels do not cry!” Ezekiel yelled. “Say it! Rebels do not cry!”

“Rebels do not cry!” A’shai repeated as he wiped his tears away and stuck out his small chest. Ezekiel nodded in approval as he watched his son assume a soldier’s stance. He rubbed A’shai’s head and smiled.

“Come on!” his father ordered as they left the tent and entered the bloodbath that was taking place at the hands of his group. The village was being annihilated. A’shai gripped his gun in terror and watched helplessly as a surreal pandemonium unfolded.

Tat! Tat! Tat! Tat!

The sounds of automatic assault rifles exploded in A’shai’s ear and angst overwhelmed him causing his heart to race frantically. The people of the village ran for their lives, causing dirt to fly up in the air from the mini stampede. A’shai couldn’t believe his eyes. He was horrified as he witnessed Ezekiel shoot a round into a fleeing man’s back. It was a complete massacre unfolding, and the blood of innocents stained the earth.

The roaring laughter of Ezekiel echoed through the air as the man dropped. Ezekiel acted as if he was hunting game instead of slaughtering humans. Seconds later a little girl came running out of a hut and went to the slain man’s side. “Papa! Papa!” she cried as she flung herself over the man’s body, becoming Copyright 2016 - 2024