Murderville Page 0,17

of Haitian descent eased up on them. Neither A’shai nor Liberty ever saw it coming. The boy snatched Liberty’s bag out of her hand while dropping his own half empty bag.

“Hey man!” A’shai yelled as he looked up and saw what the boy had done.

“Give me my bag!” Liberty yelled as she tried to grab it back but the boy slapped her hand away. The young Mexican guard heard the fussing and quickly fired a shot into the sky to regain order. He spoke in Spanish telling them to get back to work. A’shai wanted to tell the guard that the Haitian stole Liberty’s bag, but he knew that it wouldn’t make a difference. He had gotten caught slipping, and he would have to pay for it.

“Get back to work!” the guard said as he pointed to A’shai.

A’shai clenched his teeth and gave Liberty his full bag, while taking the half-full bag that the boy left. The whistle sounded off while A’shai tried desperately to make up for the leaves that were stolen but his attempt was futile as they had to make their way back to the warehouse. He looked at Liberty and she had tears in her eyes; one of them would not eat that night. A’shai had already decided that he would give Liberty his bag and would miss the only meal of the day. He would do anything to keep her safe, including sacrificing his own well-being.

A’shai lay on the floor of the warehouse with Liberty in his arms trying his best to keep her warm. All of a sudden the sound of steel doors being opened awakened them. The lights clicked on, and a bullhorn sounded off as a group of men and one woman barged into the building.

“Everybody! Get up!” a man said in broken English on a bullhorn. The woman led the pack as her eyes scanned the place and everyone wondered what was going on. She began to point out girls who would then be grabbed up immediately by the guys. Obviously they were rounding girls up for some reason, and A’shai began to get nervous as they approached Liberty and him.

“Her!” the woman yelled as she pointed to Liberty. A guard rushed towards her, snatching her out of A’shai’s arms.

“Nooo!” Liberty yelled as she reached for A’shai, lunging for him as the men pulled her away.

A’shai stood up quickly and yelled, “Let her go!” One of the guys pushed him down and caused him to fall on his back. The woman then signaled for them to go. She had gotten the girls that she wanted and was ready to leave. What they didn’t know was that the woman had just gone shopping . . . shopping for prostitutes that she would soon exploit in the States. A’shai yelled for Liberty as they walked out, and he would never forget the look in her eyes as she was ripped away from him. It was the beginning of a painful path for Liberty, and all A’shai could do was watch helplessly.


LIBERTY’S SENSES WERE SO HEIGHTENED THAT SHE could hear her own breathing. She dared not speak. The blacked-out windows allowed no light to enter the van and time stood torturously still as Liberty was transported to a destination unknown. Thirst plagued her, hunger gripped her tiny stomach, and fear stifled her as she cried silently . . . eyes wide but seeing nothing, soul crying while simultaneously muting all sound that escaped from her dried lips. The ride was so long that she had no choice but to defecate, soiling the little clothing that she wore. No food . . . no water . . . no fresh air. The lack of necessities tormented her young mind, terrifying her. The fact that A’shai was no longer by her side made her stomach flip-flop from vulnerability. She wondered where he was and if he was okay, but mostly she wondered where she was headed all the while praying for someone to rescue her. For three days she sat in the back of that van, starving; her knees folded to her chest as she held onto them for dear life. She tuned out the sounds of the whimpering girls around her. She didn’t need to adopt any of their fears to know she was in trouble. The emptiness that she felt inside was unbearable. Flashes of her old village being raided raced through her mind. Her body battled with the overwhelming heat in the van Copyright 2016 - 2024