Murderville Page 0,11

but he didn’t take two steps in her direction before he felt the sharp blade of the axe split his back wide open. A’shai wasn’t apologizing for defending Liberty. He was apologizing for stabbing his own father in the back—literally. Ezekiel fell to his knees as he tried to reach behind him to remove the blade, but his arms were too short.

“Come on!” A’shai yelled as he grabbed Liberty’s hand before running out of the hut. They could hear Ezekiel’s screams as they darted through the village. A’shai knew that his father wasn’t dead and if he caught them there would be hell to pay. The beating would be so severe that it would be worse than death. They both understood this and it was that fear that caused their legs to keep flying as their hearts pumped furiously. They didn’t stop until they were on the outskirts of the village and Liberty could no longer keep up with A’shai’s pace. Out of breath, she called out, “Shai wait!”

His momentum slowed as he looked back. He stopped completely when he saw her panting from exhaustion.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “Did he hurt you?”

She shook her head. “No, no . . . you came in before he could. Where are we going?” she asked. They had no food, no money, and no direction but the one thing that they did have was each other and for A’shai that was enough. He had no idea where they were headed but he wanted to seem like a man . . . like he knew exactly where to lead her. He wanted her to feel as if she could depend on him. So even though he had no plan and felt just as lost as Liberty, he grabbed her hand and asked, “Do you trust me?”

She hesitated before answering, but she knew that A’shai was all she had left and after what he had done for her today she couldn’t say no. Nodding her head yes she replied, “I trust you.”

They interlocked pinkies, sealing their faith in one another and took off in the opposite direction of what was once home.

They ran for hours, until the soles of their feet were so tender that they ached. As the leader of the rebels, Ezekiel was too powerful not to fear. His reach was long and if they stopped moving, undoubtedly they would be caught.

“Shai, I cannot run anymore. I’m tired and I’m hungry,” Liberty said as she nursed the cramp that had been building in her stomach.

Breathing heavily, A’shai looked at her. He could see her distress. They had traveled two towns over but were not far enough to feel safe. Traveling by foot would only be delaying their inevitable capture. They needed a ride and as A’shai looked around he formulated a plan in his head. The busy capital of Freetown was bustling with traffic, allowing A’shai and Liberty to go unnoticed. Noticing a man leave his car unattended, A’shai grabbed Liberty’s hand and ran to the back of the vehicle. Lifting the tarp he ushered her quickly inside before climbing in behind her.

“Where are we going?” she whispered.

“Wherever he takes us,” A’shai replied as he wrapped one arm around her shoulder while holding onto the side of the Jeep. They heard the car start and the relief that filled them made them optimistic, feeling as though they were home free.

As soon as the car stopped moving A’shai and Liberty hopped from the back and took off. They didn’t know where they were, but as long as they were far from Ezekiel they no longer cared. The smell of salt water filled the air as Liberty stared out at the single ship that was docked in the port. She was amazed at the sight. She had never seen so much water in her life. As she held onto A’shai’s hand she wondered how so much water could be in one place when it was so scarce in her old village.

“I’m going to get you some food,” A’shai said. “Stay here.”

“No I want to come with you,” Liberty said. A’shai was all she had left and despite how they had been brought together, she never wanted to be torn apart from him. He was the only friend she had and the only person who had ever made her heart’s pace pick up. The puppy love she had for him was one of loyalty and protection. He made her feel safe, and she trusted him without Copyright 2016 - 2024