Murder at Sunrise Lake - Christine Feehan Page 0,21

in their right minds like those things.”

Stella laughed and then looked up at the young waitress as she plopped two plates in front of them.

“I ordered for you,” Zahra explained. “You always order the same thing. You take fifteen minutes looking over the menu and then you order the exact same thing. It’s annoying.”

“Um, honey. That’s you. You do that. I don’t ever look at the menu.”

Zahra rolled her eyes and then laughed. “Okay, I’ll concede that’s the truth. I like looking because everything sounds so good. It’s the same shopping for clothes. You go in and you want to be in and out of a store immediately. I like to look for hours. I don’t have to buy anything, but I like to look. Shabina’s like me. So is Harlow, although she does like to buy. Her mom’s a buyer so I get that. Raine is more like you. Just get with the program, she does her research ahead of time. She’s back, by the way.”

Raine’s job was loosely titled programmer. She “sort of” worked for the government, if one could call it that. Raine didn’t. Raine was in that first circle of close friends with secrets, which meant they didn’t ask too much and she didn’t volunteer. She mostly worked for the Marine training base that was about a five-hour drive away from them. Raine was scary intelligent. Wicked smart. Sam had caught on to her right away, and that was saying something because Raine tended to stay quiet and observe. At one time she had programmed missiles when she was in the military, but she was out and now programmed with a code few understood or knew. At least, that was what Stella thought she did. Who really knew?

“Raine likes to camp,” Zahra said, twisting her fork around homemade noodles. “She would probably come with us.”

Right there, that was why Zahra would always be her best friend. She might not like camping in tents in the cold, but she would do it. Stella smiled at her. “You think she would want to come when she just got back from a trip?”

“Girls’ trip?” Zahra flashed her little mysterious smile that men found smoking hot. “Of course she’ll want to come. We always have fun. We can ask Shabina too. It’s short notice for her, but she might get someone to cover for her. She has a good staff now.”

“Harlow has to work tonight. I wanted them to come to the Grill with us and dance. I missed coffee with them this morning.”

Zahra shrugged and then closed her eyes, moaning as she ate a bite of her pasta. “I swear I would marry Shabina if I went that way. No one cooks the way she does.”

Stella had to agree with her. Shabina kept the menu small, with a few daily specials, but every single thing was perfection. “Vienna may be able to come out. I’ll text Harlow and Vienna and see if they can meet us late tonight. I can set up tents for them. If not, maybe tomorrow. I wanted to camp three days.”

She hoped three days would be long enough. If the timeline went the same as the other two times there had been nightmares heralding serial killers in her life, then the murderer would be looking to kill in the next two days. She would have a dream for five nights straight and then two days later, the body would be found. That was how it worked. In this case, she hoped to interrupt the killer with her girls’ camping trip— hopefully there would be enough of them camping that it would derail anyone looking for a quiet fishing spot.

“We won’t be far from the resort, so during the day you can have spa time while I’m working if there’s an emergency or something.” Stella felt the instant impact of Zahra’s gaze. The woman saw too much. Had known her too long. When Stella went camping, she checked out of work. Put her phone away. Didn’t want anyone to even talk work.

“I love your spa,” Zahra said. “But I’m bringing the tarot cards so each of you can find your inner guide to empower you. The reading will help you find wisdom and guidance to connect with your true self.”

Stella kept eating, refusing to look at her friend, who was very serious. She wasn’t talking about the other women in their circle, she was talking about Stella. She knew something was bothering Stella, and her way Copyright 2016 - 2024