Murder Mittens (Magical Romantic Comedies #13) - R.J. Blain Page 0,38

shears?” the lion asked, his tone amused.

“The Ghosts of Grandmothers Past will come and haunt my ass for the rest of eternity.”

“But you will appease the Ghosts of Grandmothers Past through the purchase and loving use of that sewing machine. The Ghosts of Grandmothers Past would love that machine.” Sebastian stepped closer, giving the Singer his undivided attention. “It looks in perfect condition.” He pointed at the hand-crank. “It’s obviously been used, but the wear and tear on this is minimal at worst.”

“Once a month, I use practitioner magic to keep it in good condition.”

“I will pay you to keep this machine maintained to this standard, even if I have to fly you around the world to do it.” Sebastian crouched, examining the table legs. “And yes, Miss Murder Mittens, I sew. Since you like this suit so much, I am pleased to inform you I made it myself. I have itchy fingers, so I read for a while, and then I do something crafty. Then I read some more. I don’t quilt, but I’m interested in learning how, so that’s why I rampaged on the scraps. I get my say and I get to learn a new craft. I win all around on this one.”

Sebastian had made his suit?

My virus swooned, and I struggled against the urge to lick my lips. “Can I pay you to visit my brothers and wax eloquent about sewing and making clothes? I warn you, however, they will complain that I wear clothes to death because I’m cheap.”

“As I fully plan on meeting your family, I could be talked into such a thing, although you will have to convince me. I will be very difficult to convince, especially if I don’t have this sewing machine in my life.”

I held out the appraisal. “I would have to pick between my face and the sewing machine, and I’m having trouble convincing myself I want the scars gone enough to walk away from this sewing machine, Sebastian. You have to be an adult for me. I’ll cry if I leave it here, because it’s that beautiful. I’m really not someone who likes to cry, but this machine is worth crying over.”

Sebastian checked the appraisal. “I’ll buy the machine, but you’ll have to modify your current living arrangements to be more pleasant for me, for I’m selfish and have control over the sewing machine. But as I’m a gentleman, you can use it most of the time. But I will be expecting time with it. Just to be clear. This is a selfish acquisition, because I will probably cry if I walk away from this, too. Also, I’m now going to insist I have to borrow your truck, and I’m going to take this to your family and have them watch it while we’re handling business. And I’m going to make a scene.”

He was going to make a scene? All he had to do to accomplish that was to show up in the first place. “You are such a cat, Sebastian.”

“I am. And I need this sewing machine. And I’m going to need packaging supplies to move it to your home until it can be safely taken to its permanent home.”

“My family is not expecting me back with the truck yet.”

“You better call them and notify them you’re coming back with a lion and a sewing machine.”

Carol stared at us with wide eyes, and I figured she needed some time to process my insanity—and possibly Sebastian’s insanity, too. The lion must have hit his head recently, as he seemed to be enjoying himself too much.

“That’s how you get beaten by a bunch of cranky cats.”

“You’re right. It is. Just call them and tell them I have to take you out for dinner first, but we really need this sewing machine to be safely guarded while we’re out. What excuse did you give them for this week?”

“I didn’t give them an excuse. I told them the truth. I’m going to a spa for the week.”

“Well, I guess I’m going to a spa for a week. This explains so much about your stubbornness. Obviously, I must poke my nose in your business.”

My virus wanted him to get a move on, and I’d be tested keeping her restrained until I lured him to a secondary location. “My momma did say I had to bring home a man. Can I use you as my excuse for why I picked Cincinnati? Have you ever been to Cincinnati before? I could just claim I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024