Murder Has a Sweet Tooth - By Miranda Bliss Page 0,46

for trivial information that was far better than I’d hoped.

I wasn’t about to let that stop me. I hopped to my feet and Edward didn’t have a lot of choice: It was either step back or invade my personal space. “It’s kind of a hobby. You know, just something to pass the time. Jim works so many hours, and he’s out of town so often.”

“And you’re writing an article about the soccer league.” He touched a hand to the front of his blue windbreaker with its soccer league emblem above a Tigers patch. “Maybe you’d like to come watch today’s game.” Edward looked toward the door and I saw that out on the soccer fields beyond, kids clad in Tigers blue and white were gathering and warming up by kicking soccer balls around. “Reporting on a game, that would add some real color.”

My smile was bright as I sidestepped away from Edward. “I wouldn’t want to sound biased toward any one team.”

“But an article about a coaches’ meeting . . .” He countered with a step into my path. “That doesn’t sound all that interesting.”

“Blame my editor.” I hoisted my purse to my shoulder and tucked my portfolio under my arm. “She said she wanted facts and figures.”

Edward nodded. He understood. The look he gave me wasn’t exactly a smile. “The same facts and figures the police have been asking about.”

“Really?” If I’d learned anything from a lifetime of being best friends with Eve, it was how to toss my head in that wow-imagine-that kind of way that always catches guys off guard. Without fail, it works for Eve. For me? Not so much. At least if Edward’s stony silence meant anything.

It was one of those awkward moments I’m so not good at. And a chance I might never get again. Determined to get at the truth, I took the proverbial bull by the horns. “I’ll bet the police asked something else, too. I bet they asked if you left the meeting for a while. If you were there at the beginning, and there at the end, and if in between—”

“I popped out to murder my wife?” Edward’s eyes were blue. The color the Chesapeake Bay turns right before a storm.

I sucked in a breath and held it until my lungs felt as if they’d burst. That was right about the same time Edward threw back his head and laughed. “You ask a lot of questions, Annie.”

“Reporters do that.” Ambiguous, but true.

And apparently enough to satisfy Edward. His smile was cordial, but reserved, as if we’d just been introduced at a business meeting. “I can’t wait to read your article,” he said.

“I’ll let you know when it’s posted,” I promised, and because there wasn’t anything else to say and nothing to be gained from a man who was clearly toying with me, I nodded my good-bye and slipped away from him and toward the door.

I didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until I was safely outside, and I refused to look back, either, even though I could feel Edward’s gaze fastened between my shoulder blades. I marched to my car and unlocked the door. I had already tossed my portfolio inside when a car pulled into the parking place next to time, and Chip, Glynis’s husband, got out.

“Hi, Chip.” His eyes were unfocused and I could tell he didn’t remember me. But then, at Beth’s house the night before, it was obvious Chip was more interested in drinking wine than he was in the company of his friends. I’d personally counted seven glasses that he drank, and that was before Beth served my flan with Kahlua and coffee. Just in case he was still a little bleary-eyed (either from the alcohol or from my too-rubbery flan), I rounded his Audi. “I’m Annie. We met last night at Michael and Beth’s.”

“Of course.” His smile came and went quickly. Like Edward, he was wearing a blue Tigers windbreaker and he smoothed one hand over it. “You’re new to the neighborhood.”

“And I hope I’m fitting in. It’s kind of awkward. You know, trying to get to know people. I mean, with all that happened to Vickie . . .” I dragged the thought out, hoping he’d jump right in and fill in some of the gaps. When all he did was shift uncomfortably from foot to foot, I decided on a more direct approach.

“That was great news about Michael. About his promotion. I just saw Edward inside.” Almost afraid to look, I turned Copyright 2016 - 2024