The Mummy or Ramses the Damned Page 0,80

on the high seas be justice?"

"Not wise. It would destroy Julie's peace of mind. The more I learn of this age, the more I understand its complexities, its highly developed concepts of justice. They are Roman, but they are something more. We shall keep an eye on the progress of Mr. Henry Stratford. When his presence becomes more of a trial to his cousin, then perhaps his death will be the better of two evils, and you need not worry about that part of it. I shall do it alone."

"Yes, sire. But if for any reason you do not want this task, I shall be more than happy to kill this man myself."

Ramses laughed softly. How he liked this one; so shrewd, yet honest; patient, yet keenly clever as well.

"Maybe we should kill him together, Samir," he said." But whatever the case I am ravenous. When do we take this great meal together on the pink tablecloths amid the great potted palms?"

"All too soon, sire, and please be ... careful."

"Samir, do not worry," Ramses said. He took Samir's hand." I have my instructions already from Queen Julie. I am to eat only one item of fish, one item of fowl, one item of meat, and not all at the same time."

It was Samir's turn to laugh softly.

"Are you unhappy still?" Ramses asked.

"No, sire. I am very happy. Don't ever be disappointed in my sombre expression. I have seen more in my life, as of this moment, than I ever dreamed I would see. When Henry Stratford is dead, I shall ask for nothing more."

Ramses nodded. His secret was safe forever with this one, he knew it, though he could not fully understand this quality of wisdom and resignation. He had never known it when he was mortal. He didn't know it now.

IT WAS a sumptuous first-class dining room, crowded already with gentlemen in white tie and tails and ladies in low-cut dresses. When Julie came in and took her chair, Alex rose to assist her. Henry and Elliott, already seated opposite, also rose, and though Julie nodded to Elliott, she found herself incapable of looking at her cousin.

She turned to Alex, and placed her hand on his. Unfortunately she could not help overhearing Henry continuing to talk angrily in Elliott's ear. Something about Alex being a fool that he could not have stopped Julie from taking this trip.

Alex, staring down at the plate before him, seemed somewhat at a loss. Was this the time or place for truth? She felt she must be honest from the beginning, or matters would only become worse for Alex, and she must see that they did not.

"Alex," she said in a low voice," I may stay in Egypt. I don't know what my plans are. You know sometimes, my darling, I think you need someone as good as you are."

He wasn't surprised by her words. He thought for only a moment before answering." But how could I want anyone better than you? I'll follow you into the jungles of the Sudan if that's where you want to go."

"You don't know what you're saying."

PART 1 Chapter 14

He bent forward, his voice dropping to the most intimate whisper." I love you, Julie. Everything else in my life I take for granted. But not you. And you're more precious to me than all the rest put together. Julie, I mean to fight for you, if that's what must be done."

What could she possibly say to him that would not wound him? He looked up suddenly. Ramses and Samir were here.

For a moment, she was speechless. Ramses was a vision in her father's white boiled shirt and beautifully cut tailcoat. As he took his seat, his every gesture seemed more graceful and more decorous than those of the Englishmen around him. He veritably glistened with vigour and well-being. The smile he flashed was like a light.

Then something happened. He stared at Julie's bare shoulders, at the plunging neck of her gown. He stared in particular at the tiny shadow between her half-naked breasts. And Alex stared at Ramses hi polite outrage. And Samir, taking a seat to the left of the Earl, was obviously already alarmed.

She must do something. Still staring at her, as if he'd never laid eyes on a woman before, Ramses took the chair on her left.

Quickly, she opened his napkin for him, whispering:

"Here, in your lap. And stop staring at me. It's a ball gown, quite proper!" She turned Copyright 2016 - 2024