The Mummy or Ramses the Damned Page 0,45

Then placing his arm very lightly on her shoulder, he guided her with him to the front of the house.

What a gentleman he was; what a strange courtly being. He peered out through the lace at what must surely have been a shocking spectacle - an Italian roadster idling, with two young men in the front seat, both of them waving at a young lady who was walking on the pavement opposite. The driver sounded the horn, a nasty loud thing, and it gave Ramses a bad start. But he continued to look at the rumbling, backfiring open car, not with fear, but with curiosity. As the thing began to move, and then lurched down the street, his curiosity gave way to utter astonishment.

"Motorcar," she said." It runs on gasoline. It is a machine. An invention."

"Motor car!" He moved immediately to the front door, and opened it.

"No, you must come, get properly dressed," she said." Vestments, proper vestments."

"Shirt, tie, trousers, shoes," he said.

She laughed. He made a gesture for her to wait. She watched as he went into the Egyptian room, and studied the long line of alabaster jars. He selected one, and turned it to reveal a small hidden compartment at the base, which was now opened. Out of this he took several gold coins. He brought these to her.

"Vestments," he said.

She studied them only a second or two in the light from the windows. More of the flawless Cleopatra coins.

"Oh, no," she said," these are worth far too much for us to spend them. Put them away. You are my guest here. I shall take care of everything."

She took him by the hand and led him up the stairs. Once again, he studied everything about him. Only this time he paused to examine the porcelain whatnots on the shelf. He stopped beneath her father's portrait in the upstairs hall.

"Lawrence," he said. Then, looking intently at her:" Henry? Where is Henry?"

"I shall take care of Henry," she said." Time and the courts of law ... judicium ... justice shall take care of Henry."

He indicated he was not satisfied with this answer. He drew the paring knife out of his pocket and ran his thumb along the blade." I, Ramses, shall kill Henry."

"No!" Her hands flew to her lips." No. Justice. Law!" she said." We are a people of courts and laws. When the time comes ..." But she broke down. She could say no more. The tears welled in her eyes. It was hitting her again. Henry robbed Father of this triumph, this mystery, this very moment." No," she said as he tried to steady her. He put his hand on his chest." I, Ramses, am justice," he said." King, court, justice."

She sniffled, trying to stop her tears. She wiped at her lips with the back of her hand.

"You're a very fast learner of words," she said," but you cannot kill Henry. I cannot live if you kill Henry."

Suddenly he took her face in his hands, and forcing her to him, he kissed her. It was brief, yet absolutely devastating. She reeled, and turned her back on him.

Quickly, she walked to the end of the hall and opened her father's door. She did not turn around and look at him again as she took the clothing out of the wardrobe. She laid out the shirt, the trousers, the belt. Socks, shoes. She pointed to the pictures on the wall, all the old photographs her father had treasured of himself and Elliott and Randolph and other cronies, from Oxford days to the present. The coat, she'd forgotten the coat. She dragged that out too and laid it down on the bed.

Then and only then did she look up. He stood in the door, watching her. The robe was open now to his waist; surely there was something profoundly primitive in the way he stood there, arms folded, feet apart, yet it seemed at the moment the very height of decorous sophistication.

He moved into the room now, surveying it with the same curiosity with which he approached everything else. He saw the photographs of her father, along with Randolph and Elliott at Oxford. He turned to look at the clothing laid out on the bed. Clearly he was comparing the clothes with that of the men in the pictures.

"Yes," she said," you should dress like that."

His eyes darted to the Archaeology Journal on the dressing table. Copyright 2016 - 2024