The Mummy or Ramses the Damned Page 0,182

thing to say," he said with characteristic innocence." They can't fail. And it doesn't matter finally whether or not they do."

"I love you, Lord Alex. I didn't think that I would when I first saw you. I thought you were pretty and young and that it would be lovely to have you in my arms. But I love you."

"I know perfectly what you are saying," he whispered, with a strange look in his eyes." Does that surprise you?" It seemed he wanted desperately to say something else to her but could not find the words. That sadness came; the little shadow of sadness she'd seen in him from the beginning, and for the first time she realized it was something in her which aroused it; it was a response to something he saw in her face.

Someone called his name. His father calling. She knew the voice before she turned to see for herself." Remember, I love you, Alex," she said again. She had the strangest feeling that she was saying farewell. Too innocent, those were the only words that came clear to her.

Turning, she saw them all moving towards her from the open doors.

"Father, and Ramsey! Ramsey, old man," Alex said," I'm so glad to see you."

In a dream she watched them, Alex pumping Ramses' hand and Ramses staring at her.

"My darling." Alex's voice sought to reach her." Let me present my father, and my dearest friends. Why, Your Highness - " He broke off suddenly. And in a low whisper he confided," I don't even know your real name."

"Yes, you do, my beloved," she said." I told you when first we met. It's Cleopatra. Your father knows me and so does your good friend Ramsey, as you call him. And I have met your friend Julie Stratford as well."

She fixed her gaze on Lord Rutherford; the music and the noise of the crowd was a roar in her ears.

"Allow me to thank you, Lord Rutherford, for your recent kindness to me. What would I have done without you? And I was so unkind in return."

The feeling of foreboding grew stronger. She was doomed if she remained in this room. Yet she stood there, her hand trembling as she held on to Alex, who looked from her to his father in complete confusion." Why, I don't understand; you mean you've met?"

Ramses stepped forward suddenly. He took her arm roughly, and pulled her away from Alex.

"I must speak to you," he said, glaring down at her," now, alone."

"Ramsey, what in the world are you doing?"

Others had turned to stare at them.

"Alex, stay here!" said his father.

Ramses pulled her farther away. She turned her ankle in the high shoes." Let me go!" she whispered.

In a blur, she saw pale Julie Stratford turning desperately to the dark-faced Egyptian, and old Lord Rutherford physically restraining his son.

In a rage, she drew back from Ramses, startling him, freeing herself at once. Gasps from all these strange modern people, who looked as they pretended not to look. A hush had fallen around them, though the music roared over it.

"We will speak when I say, my beloved teacher! You interfere just now with my pleasures, just as you always did in the past."

Alex rushed to her side. She slipped her arm around him as once again Ramses advanced on her.

"What in God's name is the matter with you, Ramsey!" Alex protested.

"I tell you now, we are to speak, you and I, alone," Ramses said to her, ignoring her lover.

Her anger went before her words and her words went before her thoughts.

"You think you can force me to do your will! I'll pay you out for what you've done to me! I'll pay you in kind!"

He grabbed her, swinging her away from Alex, whose father moved in again to take his arm. She glanced back to see Alex vanishing as the crowds closed in front of him, Ramses forcing her deeper into the dancers, refusing to let her go, though she struggled, his right hand clutching her left wrist, his left hand locked on her waist.

All about them couples whirled to the deafening music and its deep throbbing rhythmic beat. He forced her into the dance as he towered over her, lifting her off her feet as he turned her about.

"Let go of me!" she hissed." You think I'm the same mad creature you left in that hovel in old Cairo. You think I am Copyright 2016 - 2024