The Mummy or Ramses the Damned Page 0,158

do my damnedest. But why in the world would Stratford break into the museum to steal a mummy?"

"That part I can't quite figure." Understatement of the year, he thought." All I know is that the mummy of Ramses the Damned in London is missing too and apparently he stole some coins and jewelry as well. I believe somebody may have put him up to it. Steal a pair of valuable relics, get some ready cash, that sort of thing."

"So he goes blundering into the most famous museum in the entire world?"

"Egyptian security isn't very good, old boy. And you haven't seen Henry in the last few months, have you? He's quite deteriorated, my friend. This may be a case of pure insanity. The thing is, I can't have Alex and Julie detained in Cairo. And they won't leave until Ramsey's cleared, and Ramsey has not done anything."

He finished off the gin.

"Gerald, get us off the hook, all of us. I'11 make a statement, if you advise it. I'll try to reach Ramsey. If he's granted immunity, then surely he'll back me up. You can handle it, Gerald, you know these colonial idiots! You've put up with them for years."

"Yes, I certainly have. This has to be handled delicately, but immediately. And the fact is, they're on to Stratford. It's merely a question of exonerating Ramsey."

"Yes, and protocol and propriety and paperwork and all the other colonial rot. Go to it, Gerald. I don't care what you do, I have to get my son home. I've used my son badly in all this..."


"Nothing. Can you work it out?"

"Yes, but Henry himself ... Have you any idea where he could be?"

In the vat of bitumen. Elliot shuddered." No," he said." No idea at all. But he has many enemies out there, people whom he owes money. I need another drink. Get the attention of the pretty little nitwit, will you?"

"Young Lord Summerfield," she said, gazing at his beautiful mouth," let us banquet in my rooms. And leave this place to be alone there."

"If you wish." The inevitable flame in the cheeks. Oh, what would the rest of the young body look like? Pray there was a priapic organ there worthy of all the other charms!

"Indeed, but do you wish?" she asked him. She ran the backs of her fingers along his cheek. Then slid her fingers under the stiff cloth of his garment.

"Yes, I do," he whispered.

She led him off the dance floor, collecting her handbags as they went out of the swimming music and lights, back into the crowded grand room.

"Suite two-oh-one," she said, producing the key." How do we find it?"

"Well, we'll just take the lift to the second floor," he said, beaming at her." And walk to the very front of the building."

The lift? He led her towards a pair of brass gates. He pressed a small button in the wall-

A huge drawing stood between these gates: Aida, the opera. And there were the same Egyptian figures she'd seen before." Ah, the opera," she said.

"Yes, quite an event," he said. The brass gate had opened, and a man inside the small chamber appeared to be waiting for them. She stepped inside. It was like a cage. And it frightened her suddenly. The doors clanged shut. Some sort of trap, and the room began to rise.

"Lord Summerfield," she cried.

"It's quite all right, Your Highness," he said. He threw his arms around her, and turning, she bowed her head against his chest. Oh, he was so much sweeter than all the others, and when a strong man is sweet, even goddesses look down from Mount Olympus.

At last the doors opened. He led her out and into a silent passageway. They walked towards a distant window.

"What frightened you so?" he asked. But his intonation had no mockery or disapproval. It was almost soothing. He took the key from her, and put it in the lock.

"The room moved," she sighed." Are those not the right English words?"

"Yes, they are," he said. He paused as they entered the long sitting room, with rich hangings and chairs that looked for all the world like giant cushions." Why, you are die strangest creature. So out of this world."

She reached out and caressed his face, and slowly kissed him. His brown eyes were troubled, suddenly. But then he kissed her back, and the sudden fire surprised her and thrilled her.

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