Much Ado About You - Samantha Young Page 0,42

explained, “Maggie’s Annie’s mum. She and Annie’s dad disowned Annie when she told them she was gay.”

Shock froze me to the spot.

Maggie had seemed like such a sweet soul.

“I don’t get it.”

“It’s hard to understand for anyone who isn’t a closed-minded, judgmental prig.” Caro sighed unhappily. “Annie’s father and my aunt Helena are among the few who shun Annie.”

“In this day and age?”

“Small-village mentality. We’re not as bad as some, but there’s still people round here old-fashioned and narrow-minded.” Roane’s tone was clipped with disdain. “Some who even patronize The Alnster Inn over The Anchor because Dex is black.”

Horrified, I could only gape as hot indignation choked me. “But . . . b-but,” I spluttered. “What bullshit! And Maggie . . . she seemed so nice.”

Caro’s expression was pained. “She is, Evie. But her husband is a controlling man and she . . . well, she let him drive Annie away and refused to speak to Annie publicly.”

“Probably for fear of the man. But that’s no excuse now. Horace Foster had a stroke a year ago and is now paralyzed, bedridden, and taken care of by a full-time nurse. Maggie could have a relationship with Annie if she wanted to.” Roane vibrated with disapproval. “He can’t stop her now. It’s up to her to make that move. A year passed and she still hasn’t? That’s not right.”

“I think it’s a little more complicated than that,” Caro suggested softly.

Roane grunted in answer, clearly disagreeing.

Perhaps Caro was right, but I had to agree with Roane. It was up to Maggie to bridge that distance with Annie after the way she’d allowed her to be treated.

A tension fell over the table at the quiet disagreement between the cousins.

So I blurted out my news. “Penny’s asked me to stay and run her store for three months.”

Roane’s head whipped around to look at me so fast, I could only imagine he got whiplash. “What?”

I stared into his warm eyes and felt a flutter of something I didn’t want to feel at his hopeful countenance. “It’s not a done deal,” I hurried to say, “I have to apply for a work visa. Penny’s got all that figured out and is going to try to push it through as quickly as possible. She thinks it’ll take two weeks, so she’s letting me stay a week longer free of charge. So no matter what happens, I’m here for another two weeks instead of just one. I need to postpone my flights home but that shouldn’t be a problem.”

“That’s wonderful.” Caro beamed from ear to ear. “I really hope they grant you the visa, Evie. I can’t imagine the summer here without you now.”

Pleased to be wanted, I smiled. “Me too.”

Then I felt Roane’s hand on my knee again and shivered at the feel of his calloused palm on my skin. My gaze flew to his, and he squeezed my knee. “I’ll see what I can do to make sure you get that visa.”

The flutters in my belly went wild. “What could you do?”

“I know people,” he said.

He’d said that before. “Who are these mysterious people you know?”

“People who help me get what I want.”

My breath caught at the heat in his eyes, and he gave my knee one last squeeze before releasing me. Roane smirked as if he knew how he affected me and wrenched his gaze from mine to say to Caro, “If I invite people to The Anchor to celebrate Evie’s prolonged stay, you’re coming. No arguments. Helena can go to hell.”


I’m staying in England for another three months.”

At the deafening silence on the other end of the line, I slumped onto the sofa and stared out at the dark sea. Broken streams of moonlight glinted off the water, moving with every gentle wave like fluttering silver fairy wings dancing across the surface.

Yet not even the beauty of my surroundings could ease the rising tide of concern as the silence continued.

To my shock, I received an email along with my digital work visa that day. Only nine days after I’d spoken to Penny. Last week, I’d called Greer and told her I was staying for an extra week because Penny offered me a deal. I hadn’t seen any point alarming her about the prospect of my staying in England for longer until it was for certain.

Now it was certain.


She cleared her throat, and then her words came out tight, as though she were clenching her teeth. “How is that possible?”

Quietly, as though I were afraid a Copyright 2016 - 2024