Mr. Imperfect - By Savannah Wilde Page 0,50

always imagined sex as being something ethereal and dreamlike. She realized now that she had always imagined it in snapshots, skipping over some parts, while focusing and lingering on other parts.

But in real life, Kris now there was nothing ethereal about sex. It was an unapologetically physical act, and thank God for that! To have Luke take over her body like he did? She could have sworn he actually rewired her brain somewhere between the part where he made her world go white and when she felt his own release inside her.

Kris had thought she’d belonged to Luke before, but this? This was different. She didn’t quite know what it was, but she was glad her man was sleeping so she could do her best to figure it out.

My man, she thought. Hell, yeah. That’s exactly what he was. And she was his. No question. And when he woke up, Kris would be more than happy to remind him of that fact. Although, knowing him, he might be equally interested in food as sex when he regained consciousness. The guy had the metabolism of a rabbit, and the clock on the wall showed that it was nearly dinner time. It had been just before two when she and Luke had come into his room.

How time flew when you were losing your virginity.

Pizza, she decided. Fast, easy, and good cold. Now all she had to do was get to her phone. And as endearing as it was that Luke wanted to hold onto her in his sleep, it also left her quite stuck.

Luke’s arms flinched inward as she pried his arm off of her, his instinct to keep holding on. That was nearly enough to weaken her resolve of finding her phone, but she knew Luke too well. When his eyes opened, he’d be looking for food and she wasn’t currently in the mood to cook.

“Luke,” she whispered over her shoulder. “Let me up. I’m going to order pizza. I’ll be right back.”

He didn’t make a sound, but she felt his grip loosen. She slid away, purposefully not fixing the sheet so she could take a look at the man who had her heart. Luke Foster. Naked as the day he was born, and much less intimidating when he was soft and asleep than he was hard and awake. But intimidating or not, he’d already proven that they fit together quite well, and with excellent results.

How things could change in a day. Only a few hours ago she’d been sitting at lunch, pretending she was interested in Caleb. Now she was standing naked in Luke’s room fighting the urge to push him on his back and see how long it would take to get him at full attention.

After I order the pizza, she told herself while searching for her phone. It was in her purse… wherever that was. A quick search let her know it definitely wasn’t in his bedroom, which meant it was probably in the TV room, where they had been fighting before Rori walked in on them.


The girl was an anomaly, for sure. And without Rori’s intervention, Kris wasn’t entirely sure that she would be naked in Luke’s bedroom at the moment. She owed the other woman a thank you… or an apology. Or maybe both—not that Rori would want either. What a mess. But Kris would figure it out later. For now she just needed to find her damn phone and order some pizza.

“You’re killing me with all that bending over,” Luke’s sleepy voice said from behind her. Kris’s first instinct was to be mortified at what he must be seeing, but when she turned and saw the change in his body, her embarrassment waned.


“Oh, yeah,” he said motioning to her. “Come here.”

She sent him a teasing smile. “Not until I find my phone and order some pizza.”

“You are the perfect woman,” Luke said, reaching over the edge of the bed to grab his jeans so he could grab his phone out of the pocket. “But ordering pizza is the one thing I can do both faster and better than you.”

She raised an eyebrow, her eyes locked on the parts of him she’d only imagined before. Some voice in the back of her head told her she shouldn’t be looking, but she shut that nonsense up real quick. She was going to look. She was going to touch. She was going to kiss, and she was going to do whatever she liked with all those parts. And Copyright 2016 - 2024