Mr. Imperfect - By Savannah Wilde Page 0,46

he said without thinking. “That deep green with brown threading through it.”

For a moment Sydney merely stared at him, then she burst into laughter and released him. “Holy shit. Rori is a disgrace to the female sex. A woman who could have you, but chooses instead to fuck your clueless best friend because he has a bankroll as thick as a telephone book? No offense, but Rori’s life is going to suck, and she deserves it.”

Finally! Someone was taking the thoughts out of his head and saying them for him. “How do I change that?” Mike asked, stepping forward and gripping her shoulders. “What can I do for a chance?”

Sydney’s shoulders gave a lazy shrug. “Hell if I know. Her kind are brainwashed from the day they’re born to uphold certain familial expectations. And from what I hear, she already tried rebelling and got burned for it.” Her eyes glanced back the direction of the table. “Your sister, though. That’s easy. She just needs to get naked and lay down on your friend’s bed. He’ll seal the deal in record time. Promise.”

Mike shut his eyes against the thought. “Lay off on the imagery, okay? I’m still trying to get used to the idea of them. I love Luke and all, but I always pictured my sister with someone more her speed.”

Sydney shrugged again. “Not your call, big bro. Because once those two go Tab A-Slot B on each other, they’re going to be joined at the hips for life. And that’s a Sydney Barnes guarantee.”

Barnes. So that was her last name. Good to know. And a much better thing to focus on than her Tab A-Slot B metaphor.

“I can’t help you when it comes to getting Rori to break rank with her people, but I can take Caleb off your hands.”

Mike flinched. “Wait. Are you saying—”

“I’ll fuck him,” she said with a shrug, making things about as clear as they could possibly get.

“What?” Mike said. “No way. He’s a total—”

“Asshole?” Sydney offered, completely nonplussed. “Sure he is. It’s God’s cruel trick on women that dicks come attached to assholes. But if Caleb’s hands and mouth are half as talented as his feet, then he’s going to be worth the ride. Besides,” she added, scowling at him. “I’ll fuck whoever I like, thank you very much. And I’d rather an asshole like him, than an asshole like you who is going to close his eyes and pretend I’m someone else. That’s just insulting, Mike. Really. Grow a pair and fuck the woman you want to fuck, not some proxy.”

Mike was speechless on every account. The only thing he knew for sure? He had grossly underestimated Sydney Barnes when they’d met only a few hours before.

“Caleb is going to get a call to go into work for an emergency,” Sydney said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. “And when that happens, you’re going to offer to give your sister a ride home. Then you’ll have the brilliant idea of dropping me by the hotel so I can get ready for our night date and you can go back home and get your own car. Kapeesh?”

Mike nodded that he understood. He didn’t get what she was saying, but he understood the directions. Directions were things he’d been following his entire life, it seemed.

“Good. Now listen, because this is the most important part. Are you listening?”

Mike nodded, not even questioning her authority for the moment.

“Once you get home, Mike, you’re going to gather what you need and make yourself scarce. You’re going to leave and not go back home until tomorrow morning, got that? You’re not going to answer your phone or even a text. You’re just going to get lost so that there is plenty of room for your sister and your friend to get tangled up without fear of interruption. Got it?”

No. That image was one his mind still refused to compute.

“Mike,” she snapped, her tone losing what little patience it had. “Do you want a shot with Rori?”

He took a deep breath, feeling like he was betraying Luke just by saying the word, “Yes.”

“Then go home and get lost. Twenty-four hours. Then your friend will fuck your sister instead of Rori, and this twisted dynamic you all have got going for you will have a shot at correcting itself. That’s all the help I can offer you.” Her hands came up then, and adjusted her cleavage. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go see Copyright 2016 - 2024