Mr. Heartbreaker Jordan Marie Page 0,62

keep what Mike and I have. We’re important. I’ll go to college wherever and I’ll work my ass off to get to the top.

“It’s not okay. We’ll sue. They don’t have any right to do this to you,” Mike growls and I grin up at him.

“I don’t think I can sue. I did sign a morality clause in the school contract and if I pursue it and they find out my “parents” signature was also me then, I’m thinking that would negate any lawsuit anyways,” I laugh as we make it out of the office and stand in the hallway.

“How can you be so happy? All you’ve ever wanted is to attend here so that you could get your shot in the Ivy League. Damn it. This is my fault. Davis would have never been at that damn club if I didn’t make it possible for him. Hell, that fucking bitch Lindy wouldn’t have even bothered with you if it wasn’t for me. I’m screwing up your life Violet and I swore that was one thing I’d never do. I wanted to be good for you, not cause you—”

I press my fingers against his lips, not letting him finish.

“You are good for me. Me having to leave this school doesn’t change that. I knew what I was doing was against the rules and there was a chance I could get caught. That’s all on me, not you,” I tell him shaking my head.

“Bullshit. You know they learned about it because of me,” he growls. He takes his fist and hits the lockers, denting the red metal and caving one in. I don’t know who that locker belongs to, but opening it is not going to be easy.

Then I see the blood on his hand, and all thoughts of the locker are gone. I grab his hand, pulling it toward me for closer inspection.

“Mike! You’ve hurt yourself,” I chastise, using my finger, to inspect the scrape.

He pulls his hand back, and I jerk my head up to look at him. “It’s fine,” he growls. “You shouldn’t be worried about my hand. You should be pissed as hell that I’m ruining your future, Angel,” he mutters, sounding so disgusted with himself that I hate it.

I wrap my arms around his waist and hold onto him. He remains tense and solid, but I don’t let that bother me. Instead, I kiss his chest and hold him tighter, trying to show him how much he matters.

“You aren’t ruining my future, Mike. You are my future,” I assure him, stretching my neck back so I can look up at him, wanting him to read the truth in my eyes.

“So sweet to me, even when I don’t deserve it,” he murmurs. “Give me those lips, Angel.”

We kiss, right there outside of the office and everyone around us and I didn’t care. They already kicked me out. What else could they possibly do to me?



“What do you want?” Davis mumbles, the bastard refusing to look me in the face.

“You and I are going to have shit out,” I snap, slapping my hand against his locker not letting him open it. Bastard finally looks at me. For a minute I’m pretty sure I see fear flash over his features. Motherfucker should be afraid.

It gutted me to leave Violet at home this morning and come to school. I didn’t want to be here and I’m not going to be here without her. I came today, though, because I have some unfinished business.

“I think we said all there was to say to each other when you tried to beat my face in. You need to step back. You quit the team without telling me. You kept your little whore’s secret then tried to get all pissed at me over just admiring what she likes showing the world. I’m done with you—”

And just like that talking is over. I go after him and I go after him hard. I can hear those around us yelling.

“Fight! Fight!”

A crowd gathers around us quickly, but I ignore them. I’m too busy concentrating on slamming my fist into Davis’s face.

“Who in the fuck do you think you are?” I growl, pausing between the words to try and hammer him. “You think it’s cool you fuck with Violet’s life? She didn’t do shit to you. You’re mad at me? You take it out on me—not her!” I growl.

Davis manages to get a kick in that has me stepping back, his fist plants into my stomach at Copyright 2016 - 2024