Mr. Gardiner and the Governess - Sally Britton Page 0,71

inform the duke of my return.” He gave Alice’s hand a last squeeze before leaving.

She watched him go, feeling all was right with the world for the first time since she had lost her parents. She turned to her charges. “Lady Isabelle, Lady Rosalind.” They approached, their smiles turning more hesitant. Alice relieved their doubt with a laugh. “Thank you for looking after the children in my absence.”

“Of course, Miss Sharpe,” Lady Isabelle said, tucking her hands behind her back most demurely. “Did you enjoy the end of the game?”

Lady Rosalind giggled and slapped a hand over her mouth.

“Perhaps I will answer that question later. When you are both much older.” Alice waved them back to their friends, then settled with her sketchbook in hand again.

She herded all the children back to the schoolroom for their small dinner, but everyone except Lady Isabelle and Lady Rosalind asked to go outside again to enjoy the cool of the evening before darkness settled on them.

“The baron and his family are invited to join the duke for dinner,” Miss Felton said, shaking her head over the disturbance in her routine. “I suppose we are to stay until nightfall. Perhaps if the children tire themselves adequately, we will have some peace in the carriage when we return to the Addington estate.”

“A good thought, Miss Felton.” Alice rose from her chair, ready to seek out her bonnet again.

“Oh, no need. You had them all of the afternoon.” Miss Felton rose, her pinched expression easing. “I suppose I could do with some evening sun before I am boxed up again, too. Come children.”

Lord James cast Alice a somewhat disappointed glance, but he, Geoffrey, and three of the baron’s children followed Miss Felton out the door. Alice fell back into her chair, most relieved. She picked up the book she had been meaning to finish, allowing the older girls to practice the art of conversation with their remaining friend.

But her mind wandered, again and again, to Rupert’s return. His kiss. His adoration of her freckles. Merely allowing herself to think of him made her toes curl in her shoes and her cheeks grow warm. His affection had not waned. He had not left because of her.

Where could his note of explanation have gone?

Alice looked to where the faded blooms still stood in their vase near one of the wide schoolroom windows. She rose and went to inspect the blooms. Really, she ought to have allowed the maid to remove them the day before, but she had been hesitant to lose the last blooms Rupert had sent to her. Even if they were sent for science, rather than sentiment.

They were from him. That had been enough.

“Miss Sharpe, will you play Whist with us?” Lady Rosalind asked. “Mabel doesn’t know how to play very well. We need to help her practice.”

Alice put the vase down and gave her full attention to the girls. “Of course. I would be delighted to help you, Miss Mabel. Will you be my partner?”

The schoolroom darkened as they played, and a maid entered to see to the fire and light more lamps. Alice barely noticed the passing time before the door opened, with Miss Felton leading the children back into the room. Alice glanced up from her hand of cards and greeted them with a smile.

“Did all of you enjoy your play?”

Lord James slouched into a chair near the door, scowling. “We were playing hide-and-seek.”

“Oh?” Alice looked to see the Addington children appeared unbothered, clamoring as they did to eat the last of the biscuits from dinner. She looked to Miss Felton. “Did something go amiss during the game?”

Miss Felton’s sour expression was back. “Geoffrey went amiss.” She sniffed and leaned over Miss Mabel’s shoulder. “Play that one, dear.”

The girl followed the governess’s instruction and won the trick for herself and Alice.

“Where is Geoffrey?” Alice asked, realizing he had not come in with the others. His mop of curly hair wasn’t even peeking around the doorway. When Miss Felton only sniffed, Alice fixed her gaze on Lord James. “Where is he?”

He pointed an indignant finger at Miss Felton. “She wouldn’t let me find him.”

Alice rose from the table, letting her hand of cards drop to its surface. “Miss Felton?”

“That boy is nothing but troublesome. He is full of mischief and of a poor temperament. That is what comes from being orphaned. No natural parents to keep him in check.”

Alice felt the eyes of Lady Isabelle, Lady Rosalind, and Lord James upon her. The baron’s Copyright 2016 - 2024