Mr. Big Shot (Suits & Sevens #1) - Isla Olsen Page 0,39

him out, letting out soft little groans against my lips as I fuck him with my fingers.

I have to move away to slip on the condom and slick up my cock, but it only takes a second and then I’m lining up with his hole and pushing inside. He wraps his entire body around me again, urging me farther inside and pulling me down against him once more. My lips find his neck and I suck hard, making sure to leave a mark.



We can’t seem to say anything but each other’s names, over and over, as I move inside him, each of us clinging desperately to the other. He grabs the back of my head, guiding my lips toward his for a series of messy, breathless kisses.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. The words are playing out like a song on a constant loop in my head, but I don’t say them out loud. I can’t. There’s still so much we need to work out; starting with our professional relationship and ending with Spencer’s closeted status. And everything in between.

Besides, I don’t want to be that cheesy sap who declares his love in the middle of sex. But when Spencer pulls away for a moment and just gazes at me, and I see that look in his eyes, I almost break.


Instead, I crash my mouth back to his, silencing myself with hungry kisses.

We come together, clinging even tighter to each other as we hurtle over the edge. It takes me a while to move after we’ve finished; it just feels so amazing with our bodies pressed so close together, Spencer’s arms wrapped tight around me, his cum spread over both our chests…I don’t want to go anywhere. And I especially don’t want to pull my cock out of him.

But I need to get rid of the condom, so with mammoth effort I manage to pull myself away from him and take care of the condom before falling right back into his arms. He draws me in tighter, wrapping his arm around me and pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

“That wasn’t what I had planned for tonight,” I murmur.

“You had plans?” he asks curiously.

“Mmhmm. Plans involving restraints…and a blindfold,” I tell him. “And some other stuff.”

“Damn. Well, I guess it’s a good thing we’ve got all night, isn’t it?”

I can definitely understand now why Spencer was so eager for us to spend the night together; waking up wrapped in his arms is seriously the most amazing feeling in the world. The middle-of-the-night sex was also a pretty nice perk, I have to admit.

I shift my position so I’m facing him, and I can see his eyes are still closed, his mouth partly open as he breathes in steadily. He looks so peaceful and at ease, and I love that he’s able to be this way around me.

“Are you watching me sleep?” he mumbles without opening his eyes.

I let out a soft chuckle. “Apparently not, seeing as you’re awake.”

His thick, sooty lashes flutter wildly as he cracks his eyes open to stare at me with affection, a lazy smile curving at his lips. “Morning, beautiful.”

“Morning,” I say, leaning in to brush a soft kiss over his mouth. I pull back so I can look directly into his eyes. “I’ve been thinking…it’s probably time we sorted some things out.”

“What kind of things?”

I arch a pointed brow and he lets out a soft chuckle before lifting a hand to wave me on. “Okay, let’s sort.”

“Well, when this started I wasn’t really sure where it would go, and I was okay with that. But now I know where I want it to go.” I let out a soft sigh, lifting a hand to rub over the stubble on his jaw that’s grown in even darker overnight. “I want to be with you, Spence. All the time, not just after hours. And I want to be able to tell my friends and my mom I’ve got an amazing, incredible boyfriend.”

He offers a soft smile and reaches for my hand, pressing a kiss to the heel of my palm. “I want all that too. And I’ve been thinking about it…if we talk to HR, I think we’ll be okay. This is all completely consensual and it’s hardly the first time in history something like this has happened.”

“Well, that’s true,” I say with a nod.

“And it’s not like this is a permanent thing for you,” he adds. “You’ll be Copyright 2016 - 2024