Mr. Big Shot (Suits & Sevens #1) - Isla Olsen Page 0,32


Once he’s done dressing, he moves toward me and I open my legs to allow him to stand between them. He reaches out to cup my face, sliding his thumb over my jaw. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“You’ll see your assistant tomorrow,” I correct pointedly.

He offers a faint smile. “Right.”



* * *

It’s been two days and my ass is still stinging from Will’s attentions the other night, but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. It was a spur of the moment decision to visit Will at home, using that scarf as a completely lame excuse, but I’m so glad I did. Even if his mom can’t know the truth about our relationship just yet, meeting her was an absolute pleasure and it feels amazing to have gathered that insight into Will’s life.

And the sex…well, as usual, it was off the freakin’ charts.

I’m trying to concentrate on research I’m doing for a property we’re interested in in the Hudson Valley when Will enters my office. My face immediately stretches into a smile, but it falters as soon as I see the expression on his face. Something is definitely wrong.

I can’t stop myself from jumping out of my seat and rushing over to him. “What is it? Is it your mom? Did she hurt herself?”

He shakes his head. “No, no, she’s fine. It’s not me…” He draws in a heavy breath, as if he’s bracing himself for something. His eyes find mine with a look of mingled sympathy and concern. “Spence, I was just in the break room making a coffee and the TV was switched to the BCN morning show. That girl, Amelia—your old assistant—they have her on as a guest and she’s saying all this bullshit…”

I let out a heavy breath. “Fucking hell.” I thought this crap had been dealt with; clearly Amelia is still thirsty for the spotlight.

“I’m so sorry, Spence.”

I wave away Will’s apology. “It’s fine. And it’s definitely not your fault. Thanks for telling me.”

He offers a soft smile, reaching out to gently squeeze my hand before releasing his grip and turning to go.


He glances back at me, eyes full of question.

“I…uh…” I shake my head sharply, trying to gather my rattling thoughts. “I know it’s work time, but can you stay? Please? I need you here.”

Without hesitation, he steps toward me and envelops me in a tight hug. I let my eyes fall closed and just soak in his comforting presence as he rubs his hand over my back and murmurs reassurances in my ear.

We finally release each other and Will steps back a little. “What are you going to do?”

I let out a frustrated sigh. “First I’m going to call Paxton and find out what the hell happened at BCN…”

“Paxton?” Will asks curiously.

“My stepbrother. He’s an anchor there. Kind of a big deal.”

Will’s mouth falls open. “Are you talking about Pax Greenwood?”

I nod. “That’s him.”

“You’re telling me we’ve been together for over a month and you never thought to tell me your stepbrother is Pax Greenwood?”

My brows shoot up. “I take it you’re a fan?”

“He’s only the hottest anchor on TV!” Will exclaims, before clarifying, “Well, him and Anderson Cooper. What I wouldn’t give to be the meat in that sandwich…”

“This isn’t going to make future family occasions awkward at all…” I mutter.

His mouth turns into a sly grin. “Don’t worry. Neither of them are even remotely as sexy as you.”

“Well, that’s a relief,” I grumble. Grabbing my phone from my desk, I pull up Pax’s contact. “Let’s see what your dreamboat has to say about all this.”

I make the call, tapping the option for speaker.

“Yeah, I just saw it,” Pax says in lieu of a greeting.

“What the hell happened?” I demand.

“I have no fucking clue,” he says in a weary tone.

“BCN got the same notice as every other media outlet in the city, right? What the hell is Morning Breakfast or whatever the hell it’s called doing bringing it up again?”

“Breakfast Bites,” Pax corrects. “You’re confusing it with Metro Morning.”

“Jesus, does your network have any shows without alliterative titles?”

“The Pax Greenwood Hour,” he says with a wry chuckle.

I give an annoyed grumble before getting back to the matter at hand. “Do you have any idea what happened?”

“I have literally zero interaction with daytime, so no, but through the grapevine I heard they brought Amelia on for some other bullshit and then just let her ramble on about you. From what I saw, Carrie never specifically asked about you, she just didn’t redirect when Copyright 2016 - 2024