Mr. Big Shot (Suits & Sevens #1) - Isla Olsen Page 0,3


“Good luck, mate!”

I end the call and make my way to the reception desk at the entrance to the company’s offices. It’s manned by a young, blonde woman, who smiles up at me as I approach. “What can I help you with?”

“Uh, I’m Will Crawford—I have a meeting with Miss Cox in ten minutes.”

“Absolutely. Mr. Crawford, why don’t you take a seat just over there…” She motions to a corner furnished with extremely uncomfortable-looking black leather sofas. “I’ll let Miss Cox know you’re here.”

I take a seat and wait nervously for about fifteen minutes before I hear a set of expensive heels clacking toward me and look up to see a tall African American woman smiling down at me.

“Mr. Crawford?”

I give a slight nod to confirm my identity and get to my feet, extending my hand. “Will.”

“I’m Maya, Emily’s assistant. Just follow me and I’ll take your through to your interview.”

I follow Maya as she walks me through the sleekly designed office space. Glancing around, I see a room full of cubicles with staff working diligently. I breathe a sigh of relief as I spot a couple of guys in attire similar to my own.

We reach a pair of large offices, one with opaque glass walls, the other with transparent. As we walk past the opaque walls I hear an angry voice growling, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” but I manage not to show any reaction on my face. I’ve seen the news and I know my potential new boss has been accused of sexual harassment by his former assistant, but Sunny assured me it’s all a load of crap so I’m not too worried. Besides, I really need this job.

“Here we are,” Maya says brightly as we arrive at the door of the office with the transparent glass. Inside, a pretty brunette, who I presume to be Emily Cox, is working at her computer.

Maya opens the door and Miss Cox glances up from her work. “Em, I have Will Crawford here for his interview.”

“Thanks, Maya. Send him in.” Miss Cox offers a soft smile and stands, striding over to me to shake my hand. “Mr. Crawford—pleased to meet you, I’m Emily.”

I find it impossible not to return her smile, feeling at ease with her instantly. “You too, and please call me Will.”

“Okay then, Will, come and take a seat and we’ll start the interview.” She waves her hand toward a pair of sofas set up next to the enormous picture window, and I try not to gape as I take in the spectacular sprawling view of Manhattan, with Lexington Avenue just below us.

I sit as instructed and wait for her to close the office door and walk briskly over to join me on the other sofa, retrieving a manila folder from her desk as she brushes by.

She places the folder on the coffee table between us, opening it to reveal the resume I submitted a week ago. “So,” she says, sitting back in the sofa, “what do you know about CPG?”

I decide not to mention what I saw in the news this morning, and instead go straight to the info I’ve been gathering over the past few days. “Well, you’re a property development firm. A subsidiary of Cox International. Uh, about six years ago, you and your brother were given the run of this place and have managed to turn it into one of the most profitable branches of Cox International.”

She nods, smiling. “Impressive.”

My nervousness from earlier completely dissipates as the interview continues, her friendly and encouraging manner putting me at ease.

“Okay, Will, I see here you have a graduate degree in computer sciences. What made you want to apply for this position instead of pursuing a career in your chosen field?”

I bite my lip in hesitation, deciding to just go with the truth. “It’s still a career I want to pursue, but my priorities have changed recently and I need to make some sacrifices.”

“And you think working for us would be a sacrifice?” she asks, an eyebrow raised pointedly.

Fuck. “Uh, I didn’t mean—that wasn’t…” Shit, my hands are sweating.

She lets out a soft laugh. “Relax, Will, I was joking. I can understand being an assistant might not be everyone’s dream career. I just need to know the person we hire will take this job as seriously as if it were.”

I nod, spreading out my hands. “Then I’m your guy.”

She smiles. “So certain?”

I let out a breath, deciding to take the gamble. An interview really isn’t the best Copyright 2016 - 2024