Mr. Big Shot (Suits & Sevens #1) - Isla Olsen Page 0,14

him; my attention is focused on Will, who looks nervous. “Is it true you’re friends with Shay Kelly’s boyfriend?”

Will’s forehead creases in obvious confusion. “Jamie? Yeah. He’s one of my best friends.”

“I see. And are you aware that Shay Kelly is an adversary of mine?”

His brows shoot up. “Um…I know you guys play on different rugby teams.”

Narrowing my eyes, I ask, “Did Shay Kelly send you here to gather information for him? Learn of our weaknesses? Figure out how to defeat us?”

“Um…no?” he says, still looking completely baffled.

“See? He says no,” Cole proclaims.

“That’s exactly what a spy would say,” I point out. “Do we have any truth serum?”

“Uhh…” Will glances awkwardly between me and Cole.

“Jesus Christ,” Cole mutters under his breath. “Thanks kid, you can get back to work now.”

Will looks at me for confirmation and I wave my approval for him to return to his desk. Mainly because the longer he stands there in front of me wearing that adorably puzzled expression, the higher the chances of me jumping over my desk and attacking his face with my lips.

“Stop picturing him naked,” Cole chides once Will’s left the room.

“You stop picturing him naked,” is my oh-so-mature response.

“I wasn’t picturing him naked,” he says with a healthy dose of exasperation in his tone.

“Good. Don’t.” I’m unnerved by the amount of relief I feel at Cole’s lack of interest in Will. I shouldn’t care. Will’s my employee, that’s all. But I do care. I care to the point that if Cole had shown one inkling of interest just now, I doubt I’d have been able to stop myself from slamming my best friend into a wall.

“So, what are you doing here?” I ask, needing to get my thoughts away from Will.

“Well, I thought you might like to know—you’re no longer trending, and google searches are way down. Looks like this thing really has blown over.”

I let out a breath of relief, my head falling back against my chair. “Thank god. Thank you for handling it.”

He waves me away. “It’s fine. It was hardly the worst mess I’ve had to clean up.”

I let out a soft chuckle. I definitely don’t doubt that. Cole started his professional life as an entertainment lawyer before moving into crisis management. Even now a good half of his clients are Hollywood celebrities. My little scandal must pale in comparison to the shit he has to deal with from the really big names.

“I’ll let you get back to your…due diligence,” he says with a smirk. “But go easy on the kid about Shay. You might want to remember his team don’t really need to resort to drastic measures to beat us, considering they did it pretty soundly last year.”

I scowl at Cole. “You promised to never mention that day again.”



* * *

“William! Darling!”

I just barely manage to brace myself before I’m engulfed in a fierce hug the moment I step off the elevator on my third Monday working at CPG. I’m hit with a sweet floral scent that I recognize instantly, and when I’m finally let out of the tight embrace I’m not surprised to find Sunny on the other end of it.

She beams at me, her bright blue eyes shining with kindness and affection. “It’s good to see you, darling.”

“You too.” I smile and gesture for her to lead us back toward reception. “How was your vacation?”

“Heavenly,” she says with a breezy sigh, tipping her head back so her long gray hair can swing freely back and forth. Then she turns her attention back to me. “Have you ever been to Mexico, Will?”

I shake my head. “No, I haven’t.”

“Oh, you should really go. Such a beautiful place. It was just so relaxing. No television, no gadgets, no clothing…it felt so wonderful to get back to nature.”

Say what now? “No clothes?”

“Of course not. I was at a naturist resort. It was wonderful.” There’s an airy quality to her voice and for a moment I wonder if she might be high. It’s definitely not out of the realm of possibilities.

“Uh, okay. And you have to go to Mexico for this?” I ask.

Sunny gives a tinkling chuckle and waves my comment away. “No, of course not. There are naturist resorts all over the US. I can get you a list if you’d like?”

“Oh, no, that’s really…very okay.”

“Are you sure? I have a former lover who runs a fabulous one in California. We’re on excellent terms, I’m sure I could get you a deal?”

“No, I’m good,” I assure her. “Thank you.”

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