Mountain Moonlight - By Jane Toombs Page 0,65

into her clear blue eyes and found words he didn't mean to say trembling on his lips. With some effort, he held them back and looked away, afraid he might blurt out something he wasn't sure he meant.

"Where's Sheba?" she asked.

"Apparently she decided we weren't doing anything she disapproved of, so she left."

Rising onto an elbow, he brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. "Anyone ever tell you what a sexy woman you are?" he asked.

"What makes you think so?" she asked with a wicked little smile.

"It could have something to do with the fact you're sliding your foot up my leg toward a very sensitive spot. Then again, maybe it's because just looking at you sends me up."

He groaned when her foot made contact with his arousal and retaliated by sliding his hand over her thigh to the warmth between her legs.

Though he'd never kept count of how many times he'd made love to a woman in the space of a few hours, he was certain today would surpass any record he might have set. Just as Vala surpassed any other woman he'd ever known. He couldn't get enough of her.

From the eager way she responded, she must feel the same about him. A thrill of pure masculine pride shot through him. She was the only woman in the world he'd ever cared enough about to want to impress any way he could.

As they came together, it was as though this was the first time he'd made love with her. He wanted her with all the passion and need he'd brought to that night under the penultimate moon.

"You know what?" she murmured as they lay entwined afterward.

"Can't imagine," he said.

"Your bed is more comfortable for love-making than your sleeping bag."

"I can see you're getting spoiled."

"Another thing."


"I'm hungry."

So was he, now that he thought about it.

Still naked, they finished off what was left of the brunch, then took another dip in the Jacuzzi.

"We could go swimming," he suggested. "Ever tried it nude?"

"Outside? Never. Except for that time at Spanish Horse Springs and that wasn't really a swimming pool and, besides, we were in the mountains. Your house is in the middle of a city, for heaven's sake."

"There's a fence around the back yard."

"But still--"


"I told you I'm not used to--well, running all over the place naked."

"All the more reason to try swimming that way."

"I thought people weren't supposed to swim right after they ate."

He grinned at her. "We'll stay in the shallow end. Try it, you'll like it."

"Why do I get the feeling that the next thing you'll want me to do is don wild geese feathers so I can fly with you."

"No need, when we fly together just fine without them." "I'll bet you were formidable in court," she said. "You're hard to out-argue. Okay, one quick swim and, if anyone looks over the fence, you're in real trouble."

Once she was actually outside in the swimming pool, Vala forgot about being naked. Although the water's caress wasn't the same as in the Jacuzzi, she found swimming a totally different experience without a suit on. For good or ill, one by one her inhibitions were dissolving and it was all Bram's doing.

It made her realize how conservative Neal had been.

He'd never liked to be caught without clothes on. She wouldn't have dreamed of undressing in front of him.

She smiled, reveling in the freedom of no clothes at all. Being with Bram was unlike anything she'd ever known. With him she was learning to be herself.

Later, as, wrapped in towels, they lounged in the dappled shade of a Russian olive tree, she noticed he seemed deep in thought.

"Care to share?" she asked.

He turned to look at her. "I'm seriously considering going back, at least part time, to my original profession."

"Oh? Why?"

"Would you believe Mokesh told me I had to get out there and fight?"

She blinked. What on earth was he talking about? "Mokesh?" she repeated.

"Yup. In all his rattler finery, he came to me in a vision-dream. Said if I'm Ndee, then I'd better contribute--or else. I figure as a lawyer I can stir the pot, get it boiling and see what cooks up. I've always looked forward to challenges."

"I can believe that."

"But reality-based Vala is withholding judgment on the vision bit?"

She tried to be as truthful as possible. "Something like that is beyond my experience, but I'm not so narrow- minded as to deny it can exist. However the idea came to you, though, I think what you've decided Copyright 2016 - 2024