Mountain Moonlight - By Jane Toombs Page 0,23

he ever could be," she said.

"Judging by what you've told me, sounds like almost any man would."

"You care. Not only about how Davis feels but about other things. You have no idea how your voice softened when you mentioned your cat and her kittens. And you were kind enough to try to ease my aches, even though you were annoyed that I'd lied about being able to ride. You don't treat the horses like dumb animals, either."

"But you figure you're going to be left unhappier than you are now if we make love."

Vala sighed again. "I'm afraid of that, yes."

He offered her a lop-sided smile. "So much for the staying power of hero worship."

If only she could close her mind to any doubt and fling herself into his arms, where she was aching to be.

"Except for the lie about riding, you're the most honest woman I've ever met," Bram told her. "Wrong-headed but honest."

"So are you. Honest, I mean. Not feeding me any lies about wonderful tomorrows or everlasting love. Amazing in a man."

"Here's my take. We want each other. Neither of us can tell now what will happen after that, if anything. You're afraid to find out. I'm not."

"I came out here to search for treasure that probably doesn't exist," she said. "I never dreamed I'd run into you."

"What you'll find--besides me, and I'm no treasure--all depends on how you define the word. I keep trying to teach Davis treasure isn't necessarily something tangible."

"That's a difficult concept for a kid. I hope he won't be too disappointed."

"Don't underestimate your son's intelligence. And don't underestimate your own courage, either." After a pause he added, "It's time for me to kiss you goodnight and send you to your tent."

Before she could object, he leaned to her and captured her mouth with his. Instead of the fiery passion of their first kiss, this one was soft and gentle. But under the sweetness lay a throbbing current of need that she sensed in him, even as she felt it herself.

He pulled away. "Dream of me," he ordered.

As Vala undressed in her tent and crawled into her sleeping bag, his command echoed in her mind. I won't, she told herself firmly. Isn't it enough he's invaded my every thought? I refuse to let him into my dreams.

Unfortunately, once she was asleep, she couldn't command her unconscious mind....

She and Bram raced across the country on a big Harley, what bikers call a hog. Clinging to him as they flew down a lonesome desert highway, she relished the feel of the wind blowing past. To either side of the road, bright patches of red dotted the barrenness--flowers of the ocotillo, she knew, bloomed in May.

But this wasn't May--was it?

She brushed away the sense of wrongness. What could be more right than fleeing with Bram on his bike?

Fleeing? From what?

Unease threatened her contentment. Was there something important she'd forgotten? Left behind? Yet what could be more important than Bram?

He was taking her away from loneliness, from boredom, taking them into a fantasy realm of happiness for just the two of them. Once they reached this fabulous spot, he'd wrap his arms around her and never let her go. They'd never return, the two of them would dwell forever in that magic place.

If only this feeling she was forgetting something would vanish she'd be blissfully happy...

Chapter 6

When Vala awoke in the morning, the dream was still haunting her. It took her a few moments to realize that Davis wasn't in the tent, which didn't alarm her. On this trip he'd almost always been up and about before she roused. As she dressed, she thought about the dream and suddenly realized Davis hadn't been in it, any more than he was in the tent. He was what she'd left behind. Something she'd never do.

Shaking her head, she emerged from the tent and glanced around. The day was fair and slightly cool. Neither Davis nor Bram were in sight. Undisturbed--Davis was in good company--she poured herself a cup of coffee and sipped at it while she breathed in the fresh mountain air.

When, from behind her, Bram said, "Good morning," she almost dropped the cup in her startlement.

"You scared me half to death, sneaking up behind me like that," she accused.

"Not intentional. Davis sleeping in?"

She gaped at him for a moment, belatedly aware her son was still nowhere in sight. "He wasn't with you?"

Bram shook his head. "Haven't seen him at all this morning. You mean he's not in the tent?"


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