Most Likely (Most Likely #1) - Sarah Watson Page 0,96

it so much. Even with its flaws, it’s still one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.”

Wyatt’s mom smiled. “Thank you, CJ. That’s incredibly kind. Everyone else tells me they look like dicks.”

CJ laughed. “Not at all.”


THE DAYS grew longer and the humidity settled in. Summer was impossibly close and everyone knew what that meant. Their time as seniors was almost over. Jordan’s stomach was in knots when it came time to be photographed for the Senior Superlatives. It’s not that she was nervous about what she was going to wear. She knew that whatever she picked would be amazing now and totally out of style when she looked back on it in ten, twenty, thirty years. No, she wasn’t nervous about the outfit. The reason she was on edge was because Logan Diffenderfer was going to be the one taking the picture, and she knew it was the perfect time to finally be honest with him.

She met him inside the auditorium. He was setting up a makeshift photography studio, and she watched for a moment while he hung a blue sheet for the background and set up a few light stands. He looked like a real photographer.

“Hey,” he said as she walked up. “I didn’t hear you come in. Perfect outfit.”


She was wearing a corset top that her grandmother had helped her embellish with straps and a frilly skirt in red, white, and blue that her younger brother said made her look like she was running for president.

“Take a seat whenever you’re ready,” he said, motioning to a black stool in front of the drape.

When she sat down, he walked over and touched her shoulders, positioning her in a way that would best catch the light. “Just like that,” he said.

He lifted his camera and took a couple of test shots. After he checked the digital images, he looked up at her.

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

She knew her expression was heavy. “I need to say something and it’s a little hard.”

Logan lowered his camera. “What?”

“When I broke up with you freshman year, I lied about why I did it. I told you it was because I didn’t have feelings for you anymore, but that was a lie. God, it was such a lie. I was head over heels for you.”

Logan set his camera down on the table. “Why are you telling me this now?”

“Well, there was a very specific reason why I had to break up with you.”

“It was because of what Ava overheard me say, wasn’t it?”

Jordan nodded. “She was so hurt and she was going through such a hard time. And she was—is—one of my very best friends. I couldn’t stay with you.”

“I understand. I don’t hold it against you.”

“It was really hard for me to lie to you. I just want you to know that.”


“Hang on. I need to finish this. I was in love with you for a very long time.” She took a deep breath. “But I’m not in love with you anymore. I’m always going to care about you as a friend, but that’s it.”

“I care about you as a friend too.” Logan smiled warmly, and she knew he meant it.

“I know you do. You’re a good guy, Logan, and I know that if you thought something might hurt me, you wouldn’t do it. So what I’m saying is, if you’ve been worried that I still had feelings for you, and if that’s maybe held you back from pursuing someone else… you don’t need to do that anymore.”

Logan smiled. “You’re a really good person, Jordan.”

“I know,” she said. “Now make me look fabulous.”

“You got it.” He lifted his camera and took the shot.

CJ was at her desk looking at the Ohio State online course catalog when her phone rang. “Hey, Logan,” she said. “What’s up?”

“You got a second to talk?”

This sounded serious. “Sure,” she said with slight concern. “What’s going on?”

“We kissed,” he said rather matter-of-factly.

“I know.”

“We kissed and then we never talked about it.”

“I know that too.”

“Can we? Talk about it?”

CJ walked over to her bed and plopped down. “Yeah.”

“Good. Because I never knew if it meant something to you or if it was just one of those things that happen.”

CJ stared at the ceiling and tried to figure out the best way to tell him that it did mean something to her. “Logan, the truth is, I was such a mess that night. I was overwhelmed and freaked out, and I needed someone. You were there for me when Copyright 2016 - 2024