Most Likely (Most Likely #1) - Sarah Watson Page 0,85

getting emotional.

“Are you okay with this?” Ava asked. “I feel like Stanford is your thing.”

CJ shook her head. “Oh, Aves. I can picture you there.”

Ava looked at her toes again. “I don’t know. I think RISD is still my number one. But there was something about walking across the campus… even with everything else that was going on…”

CJ nodded. She knew exactly what Ava meant. Stanford was like Hogwarts with sunshine. It was everything she’d ever wanted.

After school, CJ went straight home and sat in front of her computer. She had eight hours left. Eight hours to write something that would convince Stanford to take a shot on a girl with an average score.

Average. The word fit her. She realized that now. It wasn’t just because of her score. It’s who she was. Her dream had always been to change the world. To make it a better and kinder place. But how could an average girl possibly accomplish that? She thought about all her hours volunteering. Over the years, she’d jumped at every opportunity she could find. She’d built houses and she’d handed out meals and she’d sorted recycling and she’d stuffed envelopes. But the world was still the same. She was still the same.

Her phone buzzed with a text from Martha. Jordan’s birthday was tomorrow, and they’d been working on a surprise for her. CJ responded to the text and then turned back to her computer. She read the prompt again.

Describe a transformational experience and how it has shaped you into the person you are today.

She thought about Wyatt. Then she opened Instagram to stop herself from thinking about him. Then she opened Snapchat, which she hadn’t even looked at in months. Then she looked back at her screen and tried to focus. She couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d said to her. Because he was right. He was her transformational experience. Just not in the way he had assumed. All her life, she’d kept her true self hidden behind a perfect facade. A perfect girl with a shiny list of accomplishments and awards. He’d broken through that and found all her flaws, all her shortcomings, all the imperfections that she was so good at masking. He’d made her confront them, and he’d helped her laugh at them. He made her feel proud of who she was. Wyatt had uncovered the real CJ. And it turned out that it was the CJ she wanted to be. She was average. This time it made her smile.

She decided to call him. She got as far as lowering her thumb to his name before she stopped herself. She set her phone down. Picked it back up. Set it down again. She turned to her computer. Typed a few words. Deleted them. Typed a few words. Deleted them. Then she picked up her phone and dialed. The phone rang only once.

“Hi,” said the voice on the other side of the call.

“Hey,” she said. “Do you feel like going for a run?”

“God, yes,” said Logan Diffenderfer.

Jordan was wearing a flirty skater dress in her signature shade of purple that looked just the right amount of sexy paired with her knee-high black faux-suede boots. She felt nervous as she gave her name to the hostess. “I’m Jordan. But I think the reservation is probably under Scott.”

He’d originally made a reservation for the following night (the night of her actual birthday), but she’d overheard enough whispers to realize that her friends were also planning a surprise for her. Telling him now was almost more poetic anyway. If the date went well, they could watch the clock tick forward together. She would be eighteen at midnight. She was so excited to finally and officially be an adult. She already felt like one whenever she was around him. It’s why she loved their conversations. He took her seriously. He treated her like an equal, not a child.

“Ah, yes,” said the hostess. “Your date is already here.” She leaned in with a conspiratorial smile and whispered, “He asked for our best table.”

Jordan followed the hostess through the candlelit restaurant. Most of the tables were set for two. This was not a place for business dinners. This was a place for romance.

Scott stood and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. “You look incredible.”

“Thank you.” She was nervous. God, was she nervous. She was sure the entire restaurant could hear her heart beating underneath the purple fabric of her dress.

Scott pulled her chair out for her, and Jordan saw Copyright 2016 - 2024