Most Likely (Most Likely #1) - Sarah Watson Page 0,59

it in. She’d been there once before. For a school field trip. She’d never seen it at night, all lit up like this. It was spectacular.

Jordan walked up the steps into the building. She didn’t remember it being so grand and inspiring. An American flag fluttered high above her. Walking underneath it made her feel important and humble all at once. She found the elevator and pushed the button for the top floor. Scott was waiting for her when the doors opened.

“Hi,” he said.

Jordan felt her heart pound. “Hi.”

He leaned toward her and put his mouth close to her ear. For a minute, she didn’t know what he was doing. He whispered, “Council chambers. It’s at the end of the hall.” His breath tickled against her hair. “The city council meeting starts in five minutes. You didn’t hear this from me, but the mayor is planning to weigh in on the park. We don’t know what she’s going to say. The developer is nervous. So’s my boss.” He pulled away as someone approached. Jordan tried to look casual. “Go,” Scott said.

Jordan walked briskly down the hall, and her entire body buzzed. Men and women in suits stared into their phones and looked important. Jordan’s heels echoed across the floor. Inside the council chambers, Jordan paused. The mayor and every member of the council sat at a long dais. Jordan no longer felt important. She felt intimidated. She wasn’t sure where she was supposed to sit, and she was too scared to ask so she took a spot in the back row where she wouldn’t be in the way.

The council president started the meeting and introduced the issue of the minimum-wage increase. Jordan’s ears perked up. This was an issue that Martha had been following closely. One of the women at the table (there weren’t many), Councilwoman Morales, read a prepared statement and lobbied passionately for the increase. She was the youngest woman on the council and she wouldn’t let the men cut her off. Jordan wished Martha was here to see this. She wished Ava and CJ were too.

After a few more agenda points, it finally came time to talk about the park. Councilman Lonner summarized where they were in the approval process. He talked about the environmental impact report and stated that nothing in it was concerning. Jordan wasn’t sure if she was allowed to record or not so she took out her notebook and wrote as quickly as she could. She noticed that Councilman Lonner seemed worried as the council president handed the floor over to Mayor Wilhelm. The mayor leaned forward and spoke into the microphone.

“My concern,” she said, with gravitas, “isn’t the environment.” She looked at Councilman Lonner. “It’s the kids who play in that neighborhood. Do we have an impact report to evaluate what the park closure will do to them?” She paused to give him a chance to answer. “It wasn’t a rhetorical question, Councilman. I’d like you to think about that.”

The councilman rambled about looking into it and talking to his community. The mayor remained calm and completely firm. Scott sat a few rows in front of Jordan, and at one point, he turned and caught her eye. He raised an eyebrow as if to say, This is interesting.

After the meeting ended, Jordan packed up her things and went outside. Scott was waiting for her at the bottom of the steps. He wore a long wool coat and his hands were shoved in his pockets. There were still people from the meeting hanging around, so Scott jerked his head slightly, motioning Jordan around the corner to where it was private. Once they were out of sight, he spoke. “Well?” he asked. “What did you think of it?”

For the first time since all of this had started, Jordan felt hope. “Mayor Wilhelm seriously put your boy in his place. I think he heard her.”

“No comment,” Scott said with a smile. “Come on. I’ll walk you to your car.”

“I took the bus. You can walk me to the stop.”

He shoved his hands deeper in his pockets. She could see his breath in the chill of the evening. “It’s way too cold to wait for the bus,” he said. “I’ll drive you home.”

“Thanks,” she said.

They walked to his car, and he opened the door for her. CJ and Martha both thought that sort of thing was sexist and old-fashioned, but Jordan didn’t mind. She thought it was sweet. She sat down and pulled the seat belt Copyright 2016 - 2024