Most Likely (Most Likely #1) - Sarah Watson Page 0,51

that Ava was worried. Jordan wasn’t sure which friend she was supposed to be more concerned about, but either way, it seemed like a good day for doughnuts. She ordered a dozen.

The weather had shifted overnight, and there was frost on the lawns and rooftops. It was too cold to meet up in the quad like they’d originally talked about, so Jordan sent a group text telling everyone to meet in her car. CJ was the first one to climb in. “Hey,” she said. “I know I look like crap. Long night. Lots to tell. Ooh. Doughnuts.”

Jordan held out the box and CJ took a cinnamon sugar.

“Sorry about your SATs,” Jordan said.

CJ sighed, inadvertently blowing some of the sugar off her doughnut. “Ava told you?”

Jordan nodded. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“Thanks. I can’t even process it. I think I’m still in shock.”

CJ’s phone beeped and she grabbed it out of her backpack.

“If that’s Ava or Martha, tell them to hurry,” Jordan said. “It sounds like we have a lot to cover.”

CJ looked at the text and laughed. “It’s not.” She held up her phone for Jordan to see.

The text was from CJ’s boss at the volunteer program. Jordan squinted at the tiny picture that accompanied his name. “You failed to mention that he’s hot. And is he asking you out?”

CJ shook her head. “No.” She giggled. Which seemed strange given the fact that ten seconds ago she was in a complete fog about her SATs. “It’s just how he talks.”

Jordan read the text out loud. “‘Clarke. Would you do me the kindness of accompanying me on a reconnaissance mission tomorrow night? Just say yes and I’ll provide details as they become pertinent.’ That’s how he talks?”

CJ shrugged. “Yeah. He’s… I don’t… goofy. Smart goofy. He’s funny.” She grabbed her phone back and typed out a reply.


Jordan peered over CJ’s shoulder. “Why is he in your phone as Wyatt No Last Name Provided?”

CJ laughed. “It’s a dumb inside joke.” Her phone chimed with his response.

Aces. Pick me up at eight and don’t wear anything restrictive.

CJ laughed again.

“Clarke,” Jordan said. “What is happening?”

Both back doors opened at the same time, and Martha and Ava climbed in. The mood in the car shifted quickly. CJ silenced her phone and turned it facedown in her lap.

“Okay,” Jordan said. “Only ten minutes until the first bell. We have to triage. Who has the bigger crisis? Second girl gets pushed to lunch. CJ seems okay, so I’m thinking we do Ava first.”

“Fine by me,” CJ said.

Ava yawned. “I’m okay. Just tired. I don’t really feel like talking.” Jordan offered her the box of doughnuts. She waved it away. “Honestly,” Ava said. “CJ texted you before she called me. I’m fine. She made way too big a deal out of it. No offense, CJ.”

CJ turned around so she could look at Ava. “Oh, pardon me for thinking that calling Logan Diffenderfer at one AM seemed a bit concerning.”

“Wait,” said Jordan. She felt her entire body stiffen. “You called Logan at one AM?”

“Ho-lee shit,” said Martha. “We’re going to need some more details.”

“He offered to help me find my biological mom,” Ava said. “It’s a long story.”

“Which you will tell,” said Martha. She turned to Jordan. “Did you know about any of this?”

Jordan shook her head. She didn’t like the way this was making her feel. She’d noticed a comfort between Ava and Logan that day at Ava’s house when he’d taken her photo. It had seemed weird at the time. And now, to know that Ava and Logan had been talking late at night. She didn’t feel jealous exactly, but it wasn’t far off. Jordan knew that Logan wasn’t hers, and even if he was, which he totally wasn’t, she’d spent the last three years wishing that Ava would finally get over this grudge she had against him. So this was a good thing. Totally a good thing.

“Wait, I’m still confused,” said Martha. “So after you talked to him, you called CJ?”

“Not exactly,” said Ava. She turned to CJ and gave her a look. “I guess CJ left a detail out.”

“It’s going to sound weirder than it was,” CJ said. “I was with him at the time.”

“What?!” Jordan and Martha blurted out in unison.

“Dude,” said Martha. “We’re going to need to skip first period.”

“I can’t,” CJ said. “You can’t either. Physics quiz. Anyway, it wasn’t a big deal. It was just a bizarre coincidence. We both went out for a run and ended up at the track Copyright 2016 - 2024