Morning-Noon-and-Night - By Sidney Sheldon Page 0,92

about that. You were all in your father's will because the banks refused to go along with him and he knew that, in essence, he was leaving you nothing. But he spoke to Ren6 Gautier at Cr6dit Lyonnais, who promised to help him. The moment Harry Stanford thought that he was solvent again, he planned to change his will to cut you out of it., "But what about the yacht, and the plane, `:4<3' and the housest Kendall asked.

"I'm sorry,' Parker said. ' will be sold to pay off part of the debt.' Tyler sat there, numb. It was a nightmare beyond imagining.

He was no longer Tyler Stanford, Multibillionaire. He was merely a judge. Tyler got up to leave, shaken. ' I don't know what to say.

If there's nothing else.. He had to get to the airport quickly to meet Lee and try to explain what had happened. Steve spoke up. ' is something else.' He turned. '?' Steve nodded to a man standing at the door. The door opened, and Hal Baker walked in. ', judge-' The breakthrough had come when Woody told Steve that he had the fingerprint card. ''d like to see it,' Steve told him. Woody had been puzzled.

"Why? It just has the woman's two sets of fingerprints on it, and they matched. We all checked it." the man who called himself Frank Timmons took the fingerprints, right?"." if he touched the card, his fingerprints will be on it.' Steve's hunch had proved to be right. Hal Baker's prints were all over the card, and it had taken less than thirty minutes for the computers to reveal his identity. Steve had telephoned the district attorney in Chicago. A warrant was issued, and two detectives had appeared at Hal Baker's house. He was in the yard playing catch with Billy. '. Bakert '.' The detectives showed their badges. ' district attorney would like to talk to you.". I can't.' He was indignant. ' I ask whyt one of the detectives asked.

"You can see why, can't you? I'm playing ball with my son!' The district attorney had read the transcript of Hal Baker's trial. He looked at the man seated in front of him and said, ' understand you're a family man." "That's right,' Hal Baker said proudly. ''s what this country is all about. If every family could -". Baker. He leaned forward. ''ve been working with Judge Stanford." don't know any Judge Stanford."

"Let me refresh your memory. He put you on parole. He used you to impersonate a private detective named Frank Timmons, and we have reason to believe he also asked you to kill a Julia Stanford." don't know what you're talking about.' ' I'm talking about is a sentence of ten to twenty years. I'm going to push for the twenty.' Hal Baker turned pale. ' can't do that! Why, my wife and kids would ...". On the other hand,' the district attorney said, ' you're willig to turn state's evidence, I'm prepared to arrange for you-to get off very lightly.' Hal Baker was beginning to pefspire. ' ... what do I have to dot - ' to me.' Now, in the conference room of Renquist, Renquist & Fitzgerald, Hal Baker looked at Tyler, and said, ' are you, judget Woody looked up and exclaimed, '! It's Frank Timmons!' Steve said to Tyler, ' is the man you ordered to break into our offices to get you a copy of your father's will, to dig up your father's body, and to kill Julia Stanford.' It took a moment for Tyler to find his voice. ''re crazy! He's a convicted felon. No one is going to take his word against mine!" one has to take his word,' Steve said. ' you seen this man beforet ' course. He was tried in my court."'s his namet "His name is ...' Tyler saw the trap. ' mean ... he probably has a lot of aliases.' ' you tried him in your courtroom, his name was Hal Baker." ... that's right." when he came to Boston, you introduced him as Frank Timmons.' Tyler was floundering. ', I ... I ... ' had him released into your custody, and you used him to try to prove that Margo Posner was the real Julia."! I had nothing to do with that. I never met that woman until she showed up here.' Steve turned to Lieutenant Kennedy. ' you get that, Lieutenant?"." Steve turned back to Tyler. ' checked on Margo Copyright 2016 - 2024