Morning-Noon-and-Night - By Sidney Sheldon Page 0,59

letter E. I have to find out, she thought. She walked over to the office, hesitated a moment, then opened the door and stepped inside. As she moved toward the typewriter, Sam suddenly appeared out of nowhere. 4 "Evenin', Mrs. Renaud,' he said. ' I help you?' She spun around, startled. '. I ... I just left my 229 111@ car. Good night.'- She hurried toward the door. ' night, Mrs. Renaud.' In the morning, when Kendall passed the garage office, the typewriter was gone. In its place was a personal computer. Sam saw her staring at. it. ', huh? I decided to bring this place into the twentieth century.' Now that he could afford it? When Kendall told Marc about it that evening, he said thoughtfully, ''s a possibility, but we need proof.' Monday morning, when Kendall went to her office, Nadine was waiting for her. ' you feeling better, Mrs. Renaudt '. Thank you.' - ' was my birthday. Look what my husband got me!' She walked over -to, a closet and pulled out a luxurious mink coat. ''t it beautiful?"
Chapter Nineteen
Julia Stanford enjoyed having Sally as a roommate. She was always upbeat and fun and @heerful. She had had a bad marriage and had sworn never to get involved with a man again. Julia wasn't sure what Sally's definition of never was, because she seemed to be out with a different man every week. ' men are the best,' Sally philosophized. ' feel guilty, so they're always buying you presents. With a single man, you have to-ask yourself, why is he still singlet She said to Julia, ' aren't dating anyone, are YOUT '.' Julia thought of the men who had wanted to take her out. ' don't want to go out just for the sake of going out, Sally. I have to be with someone I really care about.", have I got a man for you!' Sally'said. ''re going to love him! His name is Tony Vinetti. I told him all about you, and he's dying to meet you." really don't think -"'ll pick you up tomorrow night at eight o'clock.' 231 Tony Vinetti was tall, very tall, in an appealing, ungainly way. His hair was thick and dark, and his smile exploded disarmingly as he looked at Julia. ' wasn't exaggerating. You're a knockout!" you,' Julia said. She felt a little shiver of pleasure. ' you ever been to Houston'st - It was one of the finest restaurants in Kansas City. '.' The truth was that she could not afford to eat at Houston's. Not even with the raise she had been given.

"Well, that's where we have a reservation.' At dinner, Tony talked mostly about himself, but Julia did not mind. He was entertaining and charming. ''s drop-dead gorgeous,' Sally had said. And he was. The dinner was delicious. For dessert, Julia had ordered chocolate souffl6and Tony had ice cream. As they were Imigering over coffee, Julia thought, Is he going to ask me to his apartment, and if he does, will I go? No. I can't do that. Not on the first date. He'll think rm cheap.

When we go out the next time ... The check arrived. ' scanned it and said, ' looks right.' He ticked off the items on the check. ' had the pfm and the lobster.. 6yes.9 ' you had the French fries and salad, and the souft rightt She looked at him, puzzled. ''s right ...' 232 '.' He did some quick addition. ' share of the bill is fifty dollars and forty cents.' Julia sat there in shock. ' beg your pardont Tony grinned.'I know how independent you women are today.

You won't let guys do anything for you, will you? There,'he said magnanimously, ''ll take care of your share of the tip."'m sorry it didn't work out,' Sally a@ologized. ''s really a honey. Are you going to see him again?, ' can't afford him,' Julia said bitterly. ', I have someone else for you. You'll love '. Sally, I really don't want ..." me.' Ted Riddle was a man in his late thirties and, Juba had to admit, quite attractive. He took her to Jennie's Restaurant on Historic Strawberry Hill, famous for its authentic Croatian food. ' really did me a favor,' Riddle said. ''re very lovely." you."

"Did Sally tell you I have an advertising agency?". She didn't."

"Oh, yes. I have one of the biggest firms in Kansas City. Everybody knows me."'s nice. I ' handle some of Copyright 2016 - 2024