Morning-Noon-and-Night - By Sidney Sheldon Page 0,55

darlingt ' don't need any new clothes,' she said timidly. ''s right. You don't go anywhere, do yout He turned to the others. ' is very shy. She doesn't have anything to talk about, do yout Peggy got up and ran out of the room. ''ll see if she's all right,' Kendall said. She rose and hurried after her. My Godf Steve thought. If Woody behaves like this in front of others, what must it be like when he and his wife are alone? Woody turned to Steve. ' long have you been with Fitzgerald's law firmt, ' years." they could stand working for my father, I'll never know.' Steve said carefully, ' undeistand your father was ... could be difficult.' Woody snorted.

.'Difficult? He was a two-legged monster. Did you know he had nicknames for all of us? Mine was Charlie. He named me after Charlie Mccarthy, a dummy that a ventriloquist named Edgar Bergen had. He called my sister Pony, because he said she had a face like a horse. Tyler was called ..

.' Steve said, uncomfortably, ' really don't think you should -' Woody grinned. ''s all right. A billion dollars heals a lot of wounds.' 216 Steve rose. ', if theres nothing else, I think I had better be going.' He could not wait to get outside, into the fresh air. Kendall found Peggy in the bathroom, putting a cold cloth to her swollen cheek.

"Peggy9 Are you all right?' Peggy turned. ''m fine. Thank you. I ... I'm sorry about what happened down there.' -- ''re apologizing?. You should be furious. How long has he been beating YOUT ' doesn't beat me,' Peggy said obstinately. 11 bumped into a door.' Kendall moved closer to her. ', why do you put up with this? You don't have to, you know.' There was a pause. ', I do.' Kendall looked at her, puzzled. ' She tumea. ' I love him.' She went on, the words pouring out. ' loves me, too. Believe me, he doesn't always act like this. The thing is, he - some- times he's not himself." mean, when he's on drugs.' 6NO3 ' .. '!" .. Peggy hesitated. ' suppose so." did it startt ' ... right after we got married." Peggy's voice 217 was ragged. ' started because of a polo game. Woody fell off his pony and was badly hurt. While he was in the hospital, they gave him drugs to help with the pain. Aey got him started.' She looked at Kendall, pleadingly. ' you see, it wasn't his fault, was it? After Woody got out of the hospital, he ... he kept on using drugs. Whenever I tried to get him to quit, he would ... beat me.", for God's sake!

He needs help! Don't you see that? You can't do this alone. He's a drug addict. What does he take? Cocamet '.' There was a small silence.

"Heroin." God! Can't you make him get some help?"'ve tried.' Her voice was a whisper. ' don't know how I've tried! He's gone to three rehabilitation hospitals.' She shook her head. ''s all right for a while, and then ... he starts again. He ... he can't help it.' Kendall put her arms around Peggy. ''m so sorry,' she said. Peggy forced a smile. ''m sure Woody will be all tight. He's trying hard. He really is.' Her face lit up. ' we were first married, he was so much fun to be with. We used to laugh all the time. He would bring me little presents and Her eyes filled with tears. ' love him so much!" there's anything I can do.. ' you,' Peggy whispered. ' appreciate that.' Kendall squeezed her hand. ''ll talk again.' 218 Kendall started down the stairs to jo . the others. She was thinking, When we were children, bef6re Mother died, we made such wonderful pkms ''re going to be a famous designer, Sis, and rm going to be the world's greatest athlete!' And the sad part of it, Kendall thought, is that he could have been. And now this. - Kendall was not sure if she felt-more sorry for Woody or for Peggy. As Kendall reached the bottom of the stairs, Clark approached her, carrying a tray with a letter on, it.

"Excuse me, Miss. Kendall. A messenger just delivered this for you.' He handed her the envelope. Kendall looked at it in surprise. ' ... T She nodded. ' you, Clark.' Kendall opened the envelope, and as she Copyright 2016 - 2024