Morning-Noon-and-Night - By Sidney Sheldon Page 0,38

the beneficiaries.' Woody grinned, ' the hell. I've waited almost forty years to be a millionaire. I guess I can wait another month or two.' Simon Fitzgerald stood up. ' from your father's bequests to you, there are some minor gifts, 145 but they don't affect the bulk of the estate." Fitzgerald looked around the room. ', if there's nothing else ..

Tyler rose. ' think not. Thank you, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Sloane. If there are any problems, we'll be in touch.' Fitzgerald nodded to the group.

%adies and gentlemen.' He turned and went toward the door, Steve Sloane following him. Outside, in the driveway, Simon Fitzgerald turned to Steve. ', now you've met the family. What do you think?" was more like a celebration than a mourning. I'm puzzled by something, Simon. If their father hated them as much as they seem to hate him, why did he leave them all that money?' Simon Fitzgerald shrugged. ''s something we'll never know. Maybe that's why he was coming to see me, to leave the money to someone else.' None of the group was able to sleep that night-, each lost in his or her own thoughts. Tyler was thinking, It's happened. It's really happenedl I can afford to give Lee the world Anything! Everything! Kendall was thinking, As soon as I get the money, ru find a way to buy them off permanently, and I'll make sure they never bother me again. Woody was thinking, I'm going to have the best string 146 of polo ponies in the world. No more borrowing other people's ponies. rm going to be ten goals! He glanced over at Peggy, sleeping at his side. Thefirst thing I'll do is get rid of this stupid bitch. Then he thought, No, I can't do that ... He got out of bed and went into the bathroom. When he came out, he was feeling wonderful. The atmosphere at breakfast the next morning was exuberant. ',' Woody said happily, ' suppose all of you have been making plans.' Marc shrugged. ' does one plan for something like this? It is an unbelievable amount of money.' Tyler looked up. ''s certainly going to change all ur live..

Woody nodded. ' bastard should have given it to us while he was alive, so we could have enjoyed it then. If it's not impolite to hate the dead, I have to tell you something ...' Kendall said reproachfully, "Woody ...", let's not be hypocrites.- We all despised him, and he deserved it. Just look what he tried to -' Clark came into the room. He stood there, apologetically, ' me,' he said.- ' is a Miss. Julia Stanford at the door."
Chapter Thirteen
Julia Stanfordp' They stared at one another, frozen. ' hell she is!" Woody exploded. Tyler said quickly, ' suggest we adjourn to the library.'He turned to Clark.'Would you send the young lady in there, pleaset ', sir.' She stood in the doorway, looking at each of them, obviously ill at ease. ' ... I probably shouldn't have come,' she said.

"You're damn right!' Woody said. ' the hell are YOUT ''m Julia Stanford.' She was, almost stammering in her nervousness. '. I mean who are you really?' She started to say something, then shook her head.

"I ... My mother was Rosemary Nelson. Harry Stanford was my father.' The group looked at one another. ' you have any proof of that Tyler asked. 151 She swallowed. ' don't think I have any real proof." course you don't,' Woody snapped. ' do you have the nerve to -T Kendall interrupted. ' is rather a shock to all of us, as you can imagine. If what you're saying is true, then you're ... you're our half sister.' Julia nodded. ''re Kendall.'She turned to Tyler. ''re Tyler.' She turned to Woody. ' you're Woodrow. They call you Woody."

"As People Magazine could have told you,' Woody said sarcastically.

Tyler spoke up. ''m surd you can understand our position, Miss ... er ... Without some positive proof, there's no way we could possibly accept ..." understand.' She looked around nervously. 41 don't know why I came here.", I think you do,' Woody said. ''s called money."'m not interested in the money,' she said indignantly. ' truth is that I ... I came here hoping to meet my family: v Kendall was studying her. ' is your mothert ' passed away. When I read that our father died .. ' decided to look us up,'Woody said mockingly.

Tyler spoke. ' say you have Copyright 2016 - 2024