Morning-Noon-and-Night - By Sidney Sheldon Page 0,20

All right. Here I am in New York. How do I become a designer? How do I break into the fashion industry? How do I get anyone even to notice me? She remembered her teacher's advice. I'll start as a model. That's the way to begin. The following morning, Kendall looked through the yellow pages, copied a list of modeling agencies, and began making the rounds. I have to be honest with 79 them, Kendall thought.

r1l tell them that I can stay with them only temporarily, until Iget started designing. She walked into the office of the first agency on her list. A middle-aged woman behind a desk said, ' I help yout '. I want to be a model." do I, dearie. Forget it."?"'re too tall.' Kendall's jaw tightened. ''d like to see whoever is in charge here."'re looking at her. I own this joint.' The next half a dozen stops were no more successful. ''re too short." thin." fat." young." old." type.' By the end of the week, Kendall was getting desperate. There was one more name on her list.

Paramount Models was the top modeling agency in Manhattan. There was no one at the reception desk. A voice from one of the offices said, ''ll be available next Monday. But you can have her for only one day. She's booked solid for the next three weeks.' Kendall walked over to the office and peered inside. 80 A "Man in a tailored suit was talking on the phone. '. I'll see what I can do.' Roxanne Marinack replaced the receiver and looked up. ', we aren't looking for your type." Kendall said desperately, ' can be any type you want me to be. I can be taller or I can be shorter. I can be younger or older, thinner Roxanne held up her hand. ' it." I want is a chance. I really need this.' Roxanne hesitated. There was an appealing eagerness about the girl and she did have an exquisite figure. She was not beautiful, but possibly with the right make-up ... ' you had any experiencet "Yes. I've been wearing clothes all my life.' Roxanne laughed. ' right. Let me see your portfolio..' Kendall looked at her blankly. ' portfolio?' Roxanne sighed. ' dear girl, no self-respecting model walks around without a portfolio. It' s your bible. It's what your prospective clients are going to look at.' Roxanne sighed again. ' want you to get two head shots - one smiling and one, serious. Turn around."

"Right.' Kendall began to turn. '.' Roxanne studied her. ' bad.

I want a photo of you in a bathing suit or lingerie, whatever is the most flattering for your figure."'ll get one of each,' she said eagerly. Roxanne had to smile at her earnestness. ' right. 81 You're ... er ... different, but you might have a shot." you."'t thank me too soon. Modeling for fashion magazines isn't as simple as it looks. It's a tough business."'m ready for it."'ll see. I'm going to take a chance on you. I'll send you out on some go-sees."'m sorry?, ' go-see is where clients catch up on all the new models. There will be models from other agencies there, too. It's kind of a cattle call." can handle it.' That had been the beginning. Kendall went on a dozen go-sees before a designer was interested in having her wear his clothes. She was so tense, she almost spoiled her chances by talking too much." really love your dresses, and I think they would look good on me. I mean, they would look good on any woman, of course. They're wonderful! But I think they'll look especially good on me.' She was so nervous that she was stammering. The, designer nodded sympathetically.

"This is your first job, isn't itt ', sir.' He had smiled. ' right. I'll try you. What did you say your name wast ' Stanford." She wondered if he would make 82 the connection between her and the Stanfords, but of course, there was no reason for him to. Roxanne had been right. Modeling was a toujlh business. Kendall had to learn to accept constant rejdction, go-sees that led nowhere, and weeks without work. When she did work, she was in make-up at six A. M., finished a shoot; went on to the next, and often didn't get through until after midnighl,, One evening, after a long day's shoot with half a dozen other, models, Kendall looked in a mirror and groaned, 11 Copyright 2016 - 2024