Moreno's (Moreno Brothers Series) - Elizabeth Reyes Page 0,34

it. I didn’t see them do anything, just leave together. Then later in the evening I saw him hanging out at her place.”

Hearing him say Lourdes and Alejandro like they were a thing, and then hearing that he’d hung out with her, only spiked her adrenaline further. Isabella took the rose, just as the sound of hoofs galloping toward them got her attention.

The sight of Alejandro on Atrevido rushing toward them, after what she’d just been told, had her throat constricting. In all the years she’d known him, Isabella had never even heard of another girl riding with him.

The moment he reached them he jumped off his horse. “The fuck’s this?” He pointed at the flower in Isabella’s hand before getting closer to Luis’s face. “You brought my girl a flower? Why?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe I misunderstood?” He turned to Isabella, who despite the annoyance over hearing about Lourdes and him, already had one hand on Alejandro’s tense forearm. “I thought maybe things were different, and it’d be okay now.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? Why would it be?” Alejandro reached for the flower in Isabella’s hand but did a doubletake when she jerked it back and away from him. His brows began to furrow but then leapt up instead. “Oh, I see, is this about last night?” Before she could respond, his big palm slapped loudly against Luis’s chest, and he pulled him to himself by his shirt. “You’re gonna come down here and cause problems first time you think you got the chance? Is that what this is, asshole?”

“Suéltame, hijo de puta!”

Between Luis pushing Alejandro back, Isabella wedging herself between them, and then seeing her mother and grandmother rush out of the house, they managed to get Alejandro off Luis.

Isabella stood in front of Alejandro, hands against his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart against it. “Cálmate.”

“Dile!” Luis yelled even as her mom and abuela rushed to them. He turned to Isabella. “First you’re coming at me defending Lourdes’s honor, and now you’re here acting all entitled.”

“Fuck you!” Alejandro barked back. “I am entitled, asshole. Are you gonna tell me otherwise?” He tried to go around Isabella, his entire body radiating with rage, but Isabella held on for dear life, sorry she hadn’t just let him take the rose now. “Are you?”

“Hijo, que es el problema?”her mother asked, hand at her chest.

To Isabel’s relief, Luis backed off and got on his horse, as people started out of their homes to see what all the ruckus was about.

He tipped his hat at her mother and grandmother. “Disculpe la perturbación, Señoras.” Then, to her horror, he turned to Isabella. God no, she was already having a hard-enough time trying to calm Alejandro. “Let me know if things change.”

“Get the fuck out!” This time Isabella let Alejandro take the rose from her, and he threw it at Luis. “And take this shit with you.”

After a few louder and off-color threats about what he’d do if Luis ever came sniffing around again, Alejandro turned to her abuela and mother and apologized for both the language and the scene he’d made. The nosey townspeople who’d come out to watch and listen to the show, started back into their homes and businesses once things calmed and Alejandro was no longer yelling.

Even her mom and abuela went inside, leaving Isabella alone to talk to Alejandro. She turned to him, crossing her arms in front of her. “Well, I guess you’ve been on fire this weekend. You wanna tell me more about your evening out with Lourdes last night?”

“I wasn’t out with her. I was at the cantina with Cido. You know the kind of shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes.”

He explained about Cido making a crude remark and including Isabella’s name in the same sentence. It instantly incensed Alejandro and had him throwing him up against the wall.

“A few things broke in the process, and Lourdes heard Fernandez calling the cops. She stepped in to try and calm me, and even Cido agreed I should get out of there.”

“And she left with you.” Alejandro closed his eyes, but before he could respond, because, clearly, she wasn’t getting a denial, she added, “Then you went and hung out at her place.”

“I dropped her off at her place not hung out.”

“So, it’s okay for you to be riding girls around, but if I-”

“Before you finish that thought, Isa.” he said lifting his hand, brow arching sharply. “Because you already know the answer Copyright 2016 - 2024