More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,96

It has nothing to do with you.”

“I think he’s pretty angry at me too. And I deserve it. We just need to find him.”

“Okay. We will. Don’t worry. It’s going to be fine.”

“I’ll send you the list,” I said before ending the call.

Ari came back in my room to tell me she had no luck with any of the police stations in Austin. We divided up a new list as we tracked the path that Cruz would have taken. I called my father and gave him the make and model of the rental car and brought him up to speed. He said he’d place some calls right away.

I started calling hospitals in Temple, Texas. I was once again put on hold while a woman on the other end searched the system for Cruz Winslow.

“You still there, hon?” she said.

“Yes, I’m here.”

“Alright, we don’t have anyone by that name. But a young man was brought in around two o’clock this morning. They didn’t find any identification at the scene, and he’s currently in surgery. He wasn’t conscious when he was brought in, so I don’t have much to tell you at this time.”

I covered my mouth with my hand and glanced down as a text came in from my father.

Dad ~ There was a head-on collision in Temple, Texas around 1:30 A.M., and one of the cars involved matches the make and model of the rental car Cruz was driving. It doesn’t mean it’s him, Jade. I’m having them run the plates to find out if it was a rental car or privately owned.

“You still there?” the lady asked on the other end of the line.

“Yes,” I said, and the hysteria in my voice caught me off guard. “I think that’s him. I’m coming there now.”

“You don’t want to wait until I can get some more information? I’d hate for you to come all this way if it’s not him,” she said.

I was tossing clothes in a duffle bag and pulling a hoodie over my head. “It’s him.”

I ended the call and dialed Lennon’s number. “I think I found him. There was a head-on collision in Temple at one-thirty A.M. and a young man was brought into the hospital there shortly after. They don’t have identification for him, but I know it’s Cruz,” I said, pulling my hair into a bun on top of my head.

“Jesus fucking Christ. Go straight to the hanger. I’ll have the plane ready to take you there. I’m getting in a car now, and we should get there around the same time,” Lennon said, and I didn’t miss the panic in his voice.

“Okay. I’m leaving now.”

I yelled out to Ari and told her what I’d found out. She grabbed her car keys and we both hurried to the car. I called my father from the road. He offered to go with me, but I wanted to leave immediately, and I told him I’d keep him posted.

The plane ride was a blur. I sat in a daze, trying to piece together how so much could have changed in the last twenty-four hours. Nothing made sense. Cruz had gotten in that rental car because of what his father told him. Because I’d lied to him. The overwhelming sense of shame and guilt flooded me. Ponch called out a few times and asked if I was all right and I nodded. I couldn’t find the words to speak.

Because the truth was—I wasn’t all right.

And until I knew that Cruz was okay, I wouldn’t be all right.

When the plane landed, Lennon had a car there ready to take me to the hospital. When I arrived, I hurried inside to find him in the waiting area.

“Hey,” he said.

“Have you seen him? Is it him?”

“I just got here, they said they’d take us back in a minute. The nurse wanted to speak to the doctor first,” he said.

The enormous lump in my throat kept my words at bay. I dropped my bag at my feet and Lennon pulled me into his arms and said Copyright 2016 - 2024