More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,84

with my father, baby.”

“It’s fine. I miss you though,” I said.

“Miss you more. I’m glad you’re coming to the show in a few weeks.”

“Yeah, I haven’t been to a show in a while. I’ve never seen you perform with Zach. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Alright, baby, Gio’s waiting for me downstairs. Going to go get in a quick workout,” he said.

“Okay. Love you.”

“Love you more,” he said.

Not possible.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“I take it you unblocked the asshole, too? How the fuck does he even know what’s going on?” I asked Luke as we made our way to the hotel coffee shop.

My father had flown out to meet us in Seattle. Farah Clearwater had spent her weekend reaching out to every gossip magazine that would listen. She’d upped her game, and I had yet to respond. We’d heard from a prime time media program, The Laurel Hayes Show that they’d been approached to interview Farah about our secret relationship. They were giving us a heads up because they certainly didn’t want to be slapped with a lawsuit. My father got wind of it and reached out to Luke. He said he wanted to discuss this Farah situation which he believed Dex was behind, as well as my departure from Exiled. The dude was always in our business, so I wasn’t completely surprised. But I’d wondered if he and Dex were in on this together. I couldn’t put much past him. But to take the time to try to help make this go away—I doubted he’d play both sides. And one thing Steven Winslow excelled at—damage control. He thrived on covering up all his dirty little secrets. The difference here was that I hadn’t done anything to cover up. This was some crazy ass stalker who appeared to be obsessed with telling the world we were in a relationship. I highly doubted anyone was listening, but she continued to sell her story to anyone willing to shell out a few bucks. And taking this on The Laurel Hayes Show would be a whole new level.

“You know your father. He has his ways. He kept calling me from new phone numbers, so I eventually unblocked him. And, I do have to speak to him occasionally about Exiled, so it is what it is. Maybe this is his way of apologizing to you for his involvement with this Clearwater chick in the first place. Do I fully trust him? No. But he wants to help, and the more support we have, the better. And I’d like to hear him out regarding Dex. If he is behind any of this, I’d like to know what his end game is. Your father has a powerful legal team, so maybe they can make this Farah shit go away, or slap her and The Laurel Hayes Show with a lawsuit,” Luke said, as we walked toward my father sitting at a table in the back of the coffee shop.

“Yeah. Just hard to believe he wants to help when just a few weeks ago he threatened to take legal action against me when I leave Exiled.”

“Agreed. Let’s just hear him out.” Luke paused at the table and shook my father’s hand.

I nodded and dropped in the seat across from my father. The last time we spoke hadn’t ended well, so we certainly weren’t on friendly terms.

“Thanks for meeting,” Dad said. He almost appeared humbled, but I didn’t trust this man. The only reason I took the meeting is because Exiled meant something to him, for whatever reason, and maybe he’d actually step in and help. Although that would be very out of character for the man. He thrived on control and he could no longer control me or Lennon. And he fucking hated it.

“So you have information about Dex and Farah? Is that what this is about?” Luke said, pausing so we could place our order.

“You know me, I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere.”

I cringed. He disgusted me.

“So how is it that you think you can help?” Luke asked.

“Well, I have a powerful legal team behind me, you know that. I’ve also got deep pockets, and maybe I could make the Copyright 2016 - 2024