More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,80

entire time I was in college, I was in the band. That was my priority. I’m kind of looking forward to going back for me and actually looking toward the future and what I want to do.”

“I love the sound of that,” she said, studying each page and every detail.

“So do I.” I tossed the notebook on the side and flipped her on her back.

“Hey, I wasn’t done looking.”

“You can look on the plane. We only have a few minutes before we need to get out of here. And right now, I want to focus on you.” I kissed her hard, and she moaned against my mouth.

“You have a way of distracting me, Winslow.”

“Get used to it. Because I won’t ever get enough of you,” I said against her sweet mouth.

And that was the fucking truth.

Chapter Twenty-One


I dropped my books in my backpack and waved goodbye to my lab partner, Anne.

“See ya, Jade,” she said.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I stepped into the hallway outside my classroom and pulled out my phone. Bernie waited outside for me, and so far, he’d stuck to his word about not following me inside. Yes, I had a nickname for him now. The guy followed me everywhere, so go figure, he’d grown on me. He claimed he liked to stay back and survey the area for safety purposes. The guy was so serious. There’d been no sign of Dex, so Bernie was probably very bored in his current position.

The weather was finally warming up. It was April and the sun had arrived. I was still reeling from my trip to Cabo with Cruz, and we were counting down the days until my graduation and him leaving Exiled. Cruz had hired a realtor to find us a place to rent in New York, and the guy was sending us new listings every day. It was an exciting time. The sun was shining in more ways than one. I saw light at the end of this tunnel, and it felt damn good.

“Hello, Jade,” someone said from behind me, and I turned to see Cruz’s father there.

“Mr. Winslow, hello,” I said, not hiding the surprise from my voice.

“Can we sit?” he asked, motioning to the bench at the end of the hall.

“Sure.” I dropped to sit and he took the seat beside me. I glanced around to look for Bernie, but he was still outside.

“So, I hear congratulations are in order. You’re going to medical school.”

“Oh, thank you, have you spoken to Cruz?” I asked, because how else would he know. It was odd that Cruz hadn’t mentioned it, as his last meeting with his father hadn’t gone well.

“No. My son and I don’t discuss you. We don’t actually discuss much, if I’m being honest. I’m sure you understand that every family has their own dynamic,” he said.

“Um, okay.” Not really though. I didn’t know any other family that had a dynamic quite like the Winslow’s.

“I was filled in about your news from one of the many pairs of eyes and ears that I use these days.”

I moved back on the bench just a bit because his words made me uncomfortable. His eyes and ears? Was he following me? And where the hell was Bernie when I needed him? I’d scolded the poor guy and insisted he wait outside because I didn’t want anyone to know I had security. And now I wished he were here.

“You could have just asked. I’m sure Cruz would have told you, it’s certainly not a secret.”

“No, it’s not is it.” He ran his hand over the scruff on his chin.

“Is that what you’re here to discuss? Me getting into medical school? Because I have a class to get to,” I said, licking my lips because my mouth was suddenly dry.

“Give me more credit than that, Jade. This is your last class today. You don’t think I’ve done my homework? I just came from Dean Johnson’s office. I’m making a large contribution to the human biology department, and I told him I’d like Copyright 2016 - 2024