More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,78

Why did you do that?” She looked distressed, and I pulled her back down to me.

“Because I can. I don’t need the money, Jade.” I reached down and held out her left hand and twisted the ring I’d given her around her finger. “And, you promised me forever, remember? So why wouldn’t I invest in your future.”

“I don’t know? It’s just a lot. I like to carry my own weight, you know?”

“Trust me, I know. We’ll find a place together. One that you’re comfortable with. But I’m not living in a shit shack so you can prove a point,” I said.

She laughed. “Got it, princess.”

I pushed to my feet, holding her in my arms. “Princess, huh?”

“What are you going to do about it?” she teased as I carried her into the villa and dropped her on the bed.

“You’re about to find out.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Winslow,” she said, wriggling her brows as her head fell back in laughter.

“Never.” My mouth came over hers and I kissed her with a ferociousness I could no longer contain. Things were finally coming together for Jade and I. And I wasn’t going to let anything get in the way.

“We could change up our plans and just stay here forever. I could teach kids how to swim and you could sing for the locals. We could live a simple life on the beach in a little shack,” she said, as her legs tightened around my waist as I held her out in the ocean.

“I’m down. I mean, not for the shack, but I’ll take you on a beach any day of the week.”

She laughed. “You’re so bougie, Winslow.”

“I’ve always had a taste for the finer things. More Jade being my favorite.”

“I love you,” she said, her hair wet and trailing down her back. Water droplets scattered around her face, and her jade greens glistened as the sun shone down on her. I reached for the tie on the back of her white bikini and yanked at it.

“Love you more,” I said, as she squealed against my mouth when I kissed her.

She gasped and reached for her bathing suit top as the tie came loose and she struggled to keep it in place. I tugged at the tie around her neck and did the same thing.

“Oh my gosh, what are you doing?” she said, laughter clouding her words.

“What? I’m practicing for our days as kicked back beach people. No one’s out here.”

“This is not a topless beach,” she said, pushing the hair back from my face, holding her suit up with her free hand.

“It’s a private beach though.” I wriggled my brows.

“Let’s go inside. I want you all to myself, and I don’t want to worry about who’s watching us.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice,” I said, as I tried to sprint through the water toward our room and her head fell back in hysterical laughter.

When we got back to the room, I dropped her on the bed and yanked at the bikini top barely clinging to her body. Jade’s skin was tan and glistening and her long hair fell all around her on the bed.

Effortless beauty.

She had little freckles speckled around her nose from the sun.

She smiled up at me. “Thanks for bringing me here.”

“Thanks for coming with me.”

She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck. “How about we shower off all this sand first?”

“Done,” I said, carrying her into the shower.

Naked soapy Jade was something I’d never turn down.

My phone buzzed on my nightstand and I stretched my arm and reached to see who it was.

“Who is it?” Jade asked, her voice groggy from sleep. She nestled her head in my neck and the white sheet was tangled around her beautiful body.

“It’s Ponch. Just reminding us that we have an hour before we need to meet him at the hanger.”

“I don’t want to leave,” she said, wrapping her arm Copyright 2016 - 2024