More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,76

this will be an issue because we’ll be together.”

“Thanks for agreeing for once, ol’ stubborn one,” he teased before propping himself above me and tickling me.

Cruz Winslow was the master at distracting me. And when his lips trailed down my neck, I was done for.

Cruz and I went to visit Dad and Sara before stopping for pizza in Bucktown. I’d been going to see him more often since the fire happened. I always worried about him, but even more so now. They were both working the night shift so they couldn’t join us for dinner, but I was glad I got to spend an hour with him before heading back to campus.

I glanced over at the supersized bodyguard who sat two tables away from us, and pointed two fingers at my eyes, before pointing them at him, as if to say, I’m looking at you.

He smirked and Cruz laughed.

“I’ll just assume he’s here for you today?” I said.

“You know what happens when you assume, right?”

“I do.”

“Give Bernard a chance. He’s a good guy,” Cruz said.

“I just like giving him a hard time. He’s not bad at all, and so far he has kept a low profile so I can’t complain. Let’s talk about Cabo. I’m so excited about our trip.”

“You’re going to love it. We’ve been a couple times. The place we’re staying at is very secluded. I’ll get to have you all to myself,” he said, his heated gaze locked with mine.

“And then after that, we only have a couple weeks to go until you’re done. You’re not worried about your dad finding some legal loophole that would make you stay?”

“No. This is him having a temper tantrum because things aren’t going his way. The label has agreed to let me go. They want to move forward with the band as is, and I’ll write the music. Luke said there isn’t anything my father can do. Aside from having a hissy fit, like he’s currently doing.”

My phone vibrated and I studied the screen. “Oh my gosh. It’s a New York area code.”

“Answer it, baby.”

Cruz studied me as I spoke. “Hello.”

“Hello, is this Jade Moore?”

“It is.”

“Hi Jade. This is Dr. Devore. We met when you interviewed here at NYU.”

“Yes, hello Dr. Devore,” I said, biting down on my bottom lip as I looked at Cruz across the table.

“Well, I’m happy to let you know that we would like to invite you to attend the New York University School of Medicine,” she said, pausing and allowing me to respond.

At first, no words left my mouth before I yelped. “You’re serious?”

“Very,” she said with a chuckle.

“Oh my gosh, thank you so much. This is the best news ever,” I said, jumping to my feet.

“I’m so happy to hear that, Jade. We hope you’ll be joining us in the fall, and your official letter will be emailed to you right away.”

“Yes, you’ll definitely see me in the fall.”

“Okay, we’ll be in touch soon. Congratulations, Jade. Goodbye.”

“Thank you. Goodbye,” I said before we ended the call.

Cruz was on his feet and pulling me into his arms the minute I set my phone down.

“I’m in,” I squealed.

“Of course, you are. I’m so proud of you, baby.”

He spun me around, and we both laughed.

“You ready to move to New York with me?”

“So ready. Let’s run over to the firehouse and tell your dad. He’s going to be really fucking proud of you.”

“Yes. Let’s go.” I reached for his hand as he led me out of the restaurant.

“Come on, Bernard. We’re on the move again,” I teased, and he laughed.

I couldn’t even be annoyed with him, because everything was falling into place.

And I’d never been happier.

Chapter Twenty


When we arrived in Cabo, Jade took in the resort with wide eyes. This was my father’s favorite hotel, so I Copyright 2016 - 2024