More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,74

this Farah Clearwater rumor, that’s not helping things.”

“Farah Clearwater? I haven’t talked to her since Cruz asked me to reach out to her when Steven was paying her to sell that bullshit story. You might want to let him know his dad is batshit crazy. He’s not going to let him walk away from Exiled without a fight. I’m staying away from that dude. He’s bad news. Cruz needs to be aware.”

I heard shouting in the distance and looked up to see Cruz running in my direction. This wouldn’t go over well. His hatred for Dex was blinding.

“Fuck,” Dex mumbled under his breath.

“Everything is fine,” I yelled out, moving toward my boyfriend, leaving Dex standing behind me.

“It’s not fine. What the fuck are you doing here? Stay the fuck away from her, do you hear me?” Cruz shouted and pointed his finger in Dex’s face. I glanced around and noticed a few people moving our way looking for a free show.

“Relax, Winslow. I was just apologizing. I’m leaving. Just wanted to say my piece,” Dex said, holding his hands up in defeat.

“You don’t get to say your piece, motherfucker. You lost that right when you left her to die on that hotel room floor. Stay the fuck away from her,” Cruz said, stepping in front of me and getting in Dex’s face.

“Alright. I get it. I’m sorry. I’ll go.”

This was a side of Dex I’d never seen before. But in all reality, I’d never been around sober Dex. Not once in all the time I’d known him. This guy appeared normal. Nice even.

“Then go,” Cruz snarled, and Dex turned to walk away.

He reached for my hand and led me away as people started to gather. I’d pretty much missed class now, due to my unexpected visit, so I just walked beside him, not saying a word. Anger radiated from his body, and I pulled my hand free and turned to face him once we were away from the scene.

“It’s okay. I’m fine.”

I expected him to yell and shout, but instead, he leaned down and rested his forehead against mine. His breath making a cloud between us. “You scared the shit out of me, baby.”

“He apologized. That’s all it was. He’s sober now. He wants to right his wrongs,” I said, pulling back to look into his honey brown gaze.

He shook his head. “You can’t trust him, Jade. He’s up to something.”

“I don’t think so. But he did say something about your dad not letting you leave the band without a fight. He also said that he hasn’t spoken to Farah Clearwater since you asked him to reach out to her,” I said.

“Of course he did. Dex and my father are the two most manipulative fuckers I know. This is probably part of some elaborate scheme they have going.”

“How did you know he was here?” I asked, wondering why he’d come sprinting through campus.

“I got a call from Luke right after you left for class that his guy found out Dex was back in Chicago. Call it an instinct, I knew he’d come find you,” he said, wrapping one arm around me as we started walking back to the house again.

“So, you rushed down here because you thought he was in the same state as me? Cruz, I don’t need rescuing. I’m fine.” I pulled out my pepper spray and showed him. “I have this, and I was in the middle of campus. He wasn’t going to do anything in such a public place. I really think his apology was genuine.”

“I don’t give a shit what he says. One of the guys on our security team is on a plane heading here now. He’s going to finish the rest of the school year here, in the city. With you. This has been in the works for a few days, and now I’m more certain than ever that you need it. Between my disturbing conversation with my father and now Dex showing up, I just think they’re up to something,” he said as if we were discussing the weather and not the fact that he’d just hired a bodyguard Copyright 2016 - 2024