More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,72

and homes, or any of the other things you both feel so entitled to?”

We paused when the waiter approached, and we ordered dinner. I wondered why we were even bothering to have a meal together. Jesus, this was dysfunction at its finest.

Lennon folded his hands on the table and glanced over at me before speaking. I was letting him take the reins. Hell, the kid seemed to have a lot to say.

“Do you know that I almost died from an overdose twice? I’m twenty-one years old, Dad. That’s how out of control I was, and you continued to push your drug dealer on me. You liked me that way. You know, just barely hanging by a thread, so you could use me the way you wanted to. Like I was your little puppet. Well, I’m here to tell you those days are over. And you can dangle all your fancy toys in my face but guess what? I don’t give a shit. I wouldn’t even be flying on the plane if Mom didn’t remind me that they also belong to her. So, once the divorce goes through, I won’t be using anything that belongs to you. And for the record, I can buy my own shit now. Maybe not a private plane, but I’d sit in steerage on a coach flight before I’d ever come to you for a favor.”

The words hung in the air around us. Not quite where I saw tonight going, but I was proud of Lennon. He needed to get this shit off his chest. This man was toxic. And Lennon was absolutely-fucking right, Mom was a partner in everything in this fucked up marriage and especially after the divorce, maybe then some—and she’s got a kick ass lawyer.

My father’s face was bright red. “I don’t plan on divorcing her anytime soon. She may have served me the papers, but we can drag this out for a long time.”

Not much of a comeback. He was losing his edge and in denial. Maybe his lifestyle was finally catching up to him.

The waiter set our food down and Lennon and my father both started eating.

Was I the only one that found this to be awkward?

“So, have you heard anything from Dex? Where he is? What he’s doing? I assume he’s behind the Farah bullshit,” I said. I wanted to see his reaction. I could usually tell when my father was up to something.

Dad set his fork down and wiped his mouth. “I reached out to him, but he hasn’t taken my calls since he admitted himself into a program. Just what the world needs. Another fucking boy scout.”

Lennon shook his head and stood. “I need to use the restroom.”

“He’s being a bit dramatic don’t you think?” Dad asked me as soon as my brother left the table.

“Not even a little bit. That was a long time coming. But you’ve known where I stand on this, it’s no secret.”

“So, tell me. You’re back with Jade? The press sure seems to think so.”

“It’s pretty sad that you get your information from the press. You could call and ask. You know, instead of only talking business when we speak,” I said. “But yes, Jade and I are very much together.”

“And she wants you out of Exiled?”

I took my time chewing my food because I could feel my temper rising. “No. I want out of Exiled. I never wanted to be in the band, if you remember.”

“Bullshit. When you broke up with her, you ended up staying in the band.”

“I stayed in the band because fucking Dex attacked her, and I wanted him out,” I said, fisting my hands in my lap.

“Exiled is going to implode if you leave. You’re not getting out without a fight,” he said, his ice blue stare locked with mine.

“The label has already agreed to let me go. I’m afraid you’re shit out of luck, old man.”

“They aren’t the only ones who have a stake in this band,” he said, reaching for another full glass of wine and chugging it.

“You know, it may have helped if you fought Copyright 2016 - 2024