More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,58

had a late night last night, as our show ran long, and I needed to blow off some steam today.

We stood on the sidewalk outside our hotel and I lit up a smoke. Gio rolled his eyes every time I did it because it completely contradicted the whole working out thing, but I’d never been one to follow the rules. I wasn’t ready to give cigarettes up completely yet. I’d cut way back, but for whatever reason, I was on edge today. Maybe it was the call from my father telling me once again that I wasn’t going to walk away from Exiled without a fight. The dude needed a new hobby.

“Cruz, is there any truth to Farah Clearwater’s statement?” Some dude yelled out from behind me.

What the actual fuck? I turned to face him. He wore jeans, a button-up and a sports coat and looked far too put together to be sinking this low.

I hadn’t heard Farah Clearwater’s name in months, so maybe this was just old tabloid news being revisited. It wouldn’t be the first time they dredged up a bullshit story.

“Dude, beat it. We’re not interested in gossip.” Gio snarled at the guy.

“According to Ms. Clearwater, you two have been secretly seeing each other for a few weeks. Her claims don’t sound like gossip,” he said, stepping toward me with his bulky camera.

I let out a long exhale of smoke in his face. “Back the fuck up. I don’t know Farrah fucking Clearwater and I don’t know you. So, get the fuck out of my face, or we’re going to have a problem.” I dropped my smoke and snubbed it out.

“Just giving you a chance to tell your side of the story, brother.”

“I’m not your brother, and there are no sides to this story. I’ve never met the chick,” I said, and our car pulled up to the curb.

“You heard the man, now step the fuck off,” Gio said, squaring his shoulders as he faced the dude.

I laughed. “Come on. Don’t feed it. That only encourages them more.” I climbed in the car and he slid in beside me.

“Jesus. How the fuck do you deal with that?” Gio said, shaking his head.

“I go to the gym and beat the shit out of the bag,” I said, taking a swig of water.

“Who’s this Farrah chick?”

“The fuck if I know. Dex banged her a while back and for some reason, she’s fixated on telling the world she and I are together.”

“You think Dex is behind this shit? Maybe it’s a way to get back in if he thinks he’s got you by the balls.”

I nodded. “Probably. Let me shoot Jade a text,” I said. I needed her to be aware that Dex was not to be trusted. He was most likely behind this, as he had the most to gain from it right now. We’d kicked him out of Exiled and this was probably a stunt that he thought he could use against me to get back in. I sure as shit didn’t want him near Jade. Ever since she’d asked about him, I’d had an unsettled feeling. And, for all I knew my father and Dex were in this together again. Nothing would surprise me where either were concerned.

Me ~ Hey. Farah fucking Clearwater is back in the news selling her bullshit story. I think Dex is behind it, so just be aware.

More Jade ~ I heard about that online. There was a guy parked outside my door this morning asking if I was okay with you moving on. LOL. These people are so annoying. Don’t worry about me. I’ve got my handy dandy pepper spray, rape whistle, and my ninja moves.

Me ~ Not fucking around, Jade. You need to take this shit serious. You want me to have Luke get someone out to your house to take care of any reporters that might be hanging around?

More Jade ~ NO!! It’s not a big deal. Please don’t do anything like that. I promise, I’m fine.

Me ~ Alright. Sorry you have to deal with my shit.

More Jade ~ I’m sorry Copyright 2016 - 2024