More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,56

in our suite before we went to the venue. We’d been here for a week, and this was our last show here.

“It’s weird to have a show on Thanksgiving, right?” Bailey asked, smiling at my brother like the sun set on his ass.

“Well, I’d rather be on stage than stuffing my face with turkey. And technically, it’s the next day here, so,” Tia said to her sister.

“Well, it’s Thanksgiving for Mom and Dad right now, so…” Bailey rolled her eyes at her sister.

“How about you? Is it weird for you being here?” Shayna asked, turning her full attention to me. Tia’s best friend had joined us this past week on tour, and she was a cool chick, but I wasn’t looking for new friends.

“It’s fine. It’s not forever,” I said because we were still keeping my departure under wraps for now, but everyone in this room knew it was coming. I assumed that Tia told her best friend everything as the chick couldn’t keep her mouth shut for more than a minute.

“That’s true. How do you normally celebrate Thanksgiving?” she asked me.

The girl had been giving me a shit ton of attention, and I’d tried to make it clear that nothing was going to happen, but she kept at it. Maybe she was just a friendly chick, who knows. I’d assume Tia would have filled her in that I wasn’t going to bite, especially since she’d dubbed me “the rock star monk” the last couple weeks.

“With my girl,” I said, no hesitation.

Her face dropped. “Oh. I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.”

Lennon laughed and shook his head as he glared at Tia. “It’s complicated. But he’s definitely unavailable.”

“Hey, I know the dude is a monk these days, but I didn’t think he and Jade were back together.” Tia held her hands up as if she were defending herself. “Thanks for the four-one-one.”

“It’s none of your fucking business,” I hissed.

Yeah, I was sexually frustrated for sure. But I was going to stay the course. Jade and I weren’t dating, but we were together in every sense of the word. She was mine and I was hers. It was just understood. And I was giving her the time she needed, and I sure as shit wasn’t about to fuck that up with a meaningless romp.

Shayna glared at her best friend as if this was the most devastating news. I hadn’t given her even the slightest hint of interest, so she should have been able to piece this shit together.

“Well, I’m fairly certain he hasn’t been laid in months, so I guess I just thought maybe he’d want to have some fun,” Tia said, and everyone turned to look at her. “What? Come on, we’re on tour together. I’d know if he were hooking up.”

“Don’t you have your own shit to worry about? Why are you always in my fucking business?” I snarled.

“You know the quickest way to fix that moody attitude of yours, don’t you?” She wriggled her brows and Zach laughed. He and Tia had something going on, but it didn’t stop her from being nosy as shit with everyone else.

I gave her the bird when my phone vibrated, and I saw a FaceTime call from Jade flash across the screen. I moved to my bedroom and shut the door. Too many people were in my business lately, and there was only one person I actually wanted to talk to. This was a good sign. She was reaching out on her own now. It had been me initiating things these past few months. This was progress. Though I was doing the math in my head and wondering why she was calling at four A.M. We hadn’t talked all that much over the last few weeks, as I was trying to respect that she wanted to be on her own right now, not to mention the time change while we were here.

“Hey,” I said, settling on the bed, and propping my back against the headboard. “Everything okay? It’s early there.”

“Yeah, I fell asleep right after dinner last night, so I’m wide awake now and thought I’d try you. Happy Thanksgiving. Are you Copyright 2016 - 2024