More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,44

breathing under control.

NYU offered free tuition to the students they admitted to their medical school. It also happened to be in my second favorite city. The idea of living in New York and attending medical school thrilled me. I was lucky just to get this interview. Getting in would be even more of a longshot. But I was all about long shots these days. I didn’t think Cruz and I could ever get back to where we were this quickly. We were the best of friends now. Four months ago, we were barely speaking.

Yep. All about the long shots.

I made my way to the lobby where we were scheduled to meet. There was a group of students there, dressed similarly to me, so I walked over that way.

“Hi, I’m Siera,” a girl with blonde hair slicked back in a bun said.

“Hey, I’m Jade. Nice to meet you.”

Three more people introduced themselves, Jonah, Kylie, and Brad. They were all here for the interview.

“Where do you go to school, Jade?” Jonah asked. His voice echoed a bit in the large lobby. The marble floors were gleaming in the light coming in from above.

“I go to Northwestern.”

“Ah, great school. Kylie and I go to Columbia. Brad attends Stanford, and Siera goes to Duke.”

“That’s great. Is this your first interview?” I asked, forcing myself to look up as I spoke. I fought the urge to go all introvert and focus on the interview.

Kylie chuckled. It sounded a bit condescending, but I was also on edge, and could just be reading into it.

“God, no. This is my, what?” she said to Jonah, throwing her hands in the air in dramatic fashion.

He rolled his eyes. “It’s your third.”

“Right. It is my third. I can’t keep it all straight. I interviewed at Columbia and Harvard already,” Kylie said. Her red hair was swept into some sort of fancy knot at the nape of her neck. She was tall and lean, and screamed confidence, but not in the good way—in the, I’m-better-than-you-way.

“Oh, wow. That’s amazing. Congratulations.”

“Well, this is my first interview and I’m so freaking nervous,” Siera said, and I smiled at her.

“Me too.”

“Aren’t you two adorable. Don’t worry at all, girls. It’s a piece of cake. I just go in knowing that they should be so lucky to be interviewing someone of my caliber.”

Brad stood beside me and chuckled but covered it with a cough. He was tall with dark hair and clad in a navy fitted suit. “I guess it’s good to be confident. Have you heard back yet from Columbia or Harvard?”

Kylie cocked her head and took her time perusing him from head to toe, as if she were assessing his value. “I haven’t’ heard anything yet. But that’s normal. They said we probably wouldn’t hear anything until December.”

“This is my first one too, and it’s definitely my top choice,” Jonah said.

“The best advice I can give you all is to just be yourself,” Kylie said, like she ran the place.

Siera’s gaze locked with mine and we both smiled. Clearly Kylie was annoying everyone, which only added to the fact that we were all nervous.

A few more people walked up and joined our group, before a woman, Dr. Devore stepped out and introduced herself as the dean of admissions. She took us on a brief tour and told us what to expect today. We’d be interviewing with two different people, and we’d also have the opportunity to sit in on a class in between our interviews.

Relax. Enjoy this. You’ve worked hard to be here.

I said the silent mantra on repeat in my head as we walked over to see the lab. The equipment was top of the line and attending this medical school would be an honor. I took in the high-tech x-ray machine, and Dr. Devore talked to us about the global opportunities that would be available to us. I thought of my time in Honduras and the impact that the experience had made on my life. My belly fluttered when I thought about the future. Copyright 2016 - 2024