More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,42

“Yeah, well, you’re the professional singer. I say you go first, and maybe I’ll email mine to you,” she said.

“Alright. That’s fair. It’s not going to sound as good without music.”

“I don’t care. I’m more interested in the lyrics,” she said, reaching up to adjust the elastic in her hair. A few strands had fallen out from her ponytail and they framed around her pretty face.

“Okay. Well, I have something new I’ve been working on.” I took my phone from my back pocket and pulled up my notes.

“Can’t wait to hear what’s going through that head of yours,” she said with a smile that made my chest squeeze.

Darkness comes, and pulls me in,

Surrounding me like a second skin.

And then it happens, takes you away,

Haunted by sins from that day.

I realize it’s all on me,

This is not who I want to be.

Feeling better, found my way,

A little more light with each passing day.

Like a magnet, drawn to you,

So much love, you know it’s true.

Forgive my sins, and follow me,

You’re the air I want to breathe.

An inner strength and pounding fists,

Life has thrown so many twists.

When you’re with me, I am whole,

You have my heart—you are my soul.

Don’t fly away, don’t go too far.

Stay with me beneath the stars.

Need your laughter, need your love,

Need your light that shines above.

Like a magnet, I’m drawn to you,

So much love, don’t know what to do.

Forgive my sins, and follow me,

You’re the air I want to breathe.

Forgive my sins and follow me.

You’re the air I want to breathe.

I set my phone down and looked up to meet her gaze. Two tears trailed down her cheeks, and I leaned forward and swiped them away with the pad of my thumb. I wanted to pull her to me, but Jade had a wall up right now and I needed to respect that and be patient.

“I didn’t mean to make you cry,” I said as I reached for the tips of her fingers and pulled them to my lips.

She moved closer to me. She wasn’t climbing in my lap, but she wasn’t pushing me away either.

“No, it was beautiful. Just hit me with all the feels, you know?”

“Good, can’t ask for more than that,” I said. I studied her, wanting to capture the emotions I stirred in her.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Tell me what happened that morning. You know, when you found me. I’ve never really known any of the details about what happened, because, well, I didn’t want to know at first. But now I do,” she said. Her face hardened a bit as she spoke, as if she were reliving it.

I sat up a little straighter and let out a long breath. Jade was entitled to know everything that went on that morning, no matter how uncomfortable it was to revisit it.

“Adam woke me up shouting my name and I stumbled out of my bedroom. I was stunned to see you on the floor. Jesus, Jade. I lost my shit. I fell apart. I grabbed you and tried to wake you up, and Adam called 911.”

“I was near the hotel room door, right?”

“Yes. And you were in and out of consciousness. It was so fucking scary.” I shook my head, still in disbelief about what happened. Dex had hit her, and her head came down on the entry table and she fell to the ground. She’d lain there for hours.

“And you hadn’t known I was coming to see you, so you were probably very confused to see me there.”

“Yeah, and the fact that I’d taken two Ambiens and washed them down with whiskey, well that didn’t help much either. I’d gone from being completely sedated to being sober as shit and terrified that I’d Copyright 2016 - 2024